When I saw this tweet a few years ago I felt like my entire life suddenly made sense. I had unconsciously been looking for a new way of looking at my life and this felt so right so I claimed it. With credit every time I talk about it.
Love languages are a litmus test for what I want and a magnifying glass to really look at my life and how I want it to feel.
The five key elements of my love language of space looks like….
Before I commit to something I ask is there space for this? Do I have the spoons for it. The energy? The desire? The health? The capacity? Does it leave space for my impulsiveness and spontaneity and my strange brain? Meaning what do the deadlines look like and does this work with my circadian rhythm and what does my gut say and does it feel expansive? Is there space for how I create and process?
When I buy something I ask in the literal sense. Do I have the space for this? If not and I love it, what do I love less that can go so this can replace it. This applies to everything. Because I need ACTUAL space. White space. I prefer white space to a grey area because it is cleaner. In-between space. When I don’t have that there is no ease (which is another of my lave languages) and i live in a small space so I need to really pay attention to that. There has to be space to move things around which I believe to be one of the greatest energy shifts we can do. Movement is good. So is change.
I need space for myself, not just for my things, to spread out and move around. In my bed, on my sectional, and soon my office chair which is coming. I need space to lie on the floor and space to stretch and space to wander around. If I have stuff everywhere I feel trapped. I am actually claustrophobic. I love a small space more that a bigger space to live in but it needs to be calm and zen with muted dark tones mixed with white and lots of floor and wall space with nothing filling it. Not minimalist per se but layered minimalism. Giant furniture with lots of plants and books and fans in every room. If it’s here I have to love it and too much colour makes me antsy and nervous. So do ceiling fans but that’s another phobia lol.
It looks like permission. For my alone time. For my spare time. For my desires and dreams and covets to come to life. For my boundaries and my yes’s and my no’s. For not responding at all.
It allows for relationships that are imperfect. Where we can ALL be every version of ourselves including the ones we hate and get us in trouble and keep us stuck and end in stories where we don’t come off looking that great but are met with love and kindness and humour and snatching us back to what we want and reminding us what we know for sure and reflecting our magic back to us when we need it and fighting for each other by taking the lead and standing beside and behind one another. I let go of a lot of friendships over the last few years because there was space for all of that for them because I am a hell of a listener and when I needed it there was no reciprocation. There was judgement and victim blaming and toxic positivity and demands to suck it up because my life is not THAT bad. I left those because you can’t celebrate me for the space I give them and condemn me for the space I want for myself. It doesn’t work like that.
I don’t have a spouse or parents or a mentor or a priest to guide me. I have some amazing humans and mama moon and the seasons and Lola and this love language of Space. So far it’s working. I am doing ok.
Live wild. Stay gold.
Thanks for hanging out with me.
Renee xx
Day 6 of Effy’s September Blog along.