. Vetting any future involvement and possible wasted time by asking all future dates “do you agree to go as the Rumours album cover for Halloween”.
. My hair is really soft.
. I saw a TikTok of Jack Nicholson leaving a Lakers game and he was swarmed by paparazzi and I felt really protective of him. He is in his 80’s and gave us hours of entertainment. Let him retire in peace.
. I know why he thinks the others are more fun and I am more work. It’s because he brings all of his anxiety, frustration, sadness, disappointment, anger and so on to our friendship and I nurture and listen and he gives all the shows and the laughter to them so of course that seems like way more fun. They don’t get anything BUT the fun, There is no real life and real problems in those situations. It’s all left on me and then when I bring any of that to HIM for nurturing or witness I am suddenly work. Wonder how fun they will be when they are walking him through a dui or getting vaccinated or family issues or any of the other million things he brings to my doorstep? That clicked some things into place for me and gave me peace and some decisions to make.
. I saw a gold slip dress at the thrift but it was too small and now i am obsessed with finding a mid calf gold slip dress.
. There is a small business on tiktok that keeps coming up in my fyp and her retired dad helps her pack the orders and it’s adorable and now people are posting their order numbers in the comments with a request for her dad to pack it and she has been filming him in his little sweater vests reading the orders and then smiling at the camera while he packs it and it is so pure because you can see how excited he is for his daughters business.
. got a record number of unsubs to my last love letter and I wonder if people don’t want to know that it’s ok to take time for yourself and relax or if it was the D comment but either way I always want them to go with love because I am all for keeping what feeds the places that need feeding. I have more thoughts on this but that might be another letter lol.
. The thing about not having a pet sharing relationship with someone is that no one else wants to talk about Lola and her moody quirks as much as I want to talk about Lola and her moods and no one wants to see that many photos.
. Why must we do hard things all the time? Some things yes but not all. I am craving ease and simplicity and space and doing things that are fun and creative. I am tired. In the year of our Lola 2021 we deserve to put down the hard things that we choose and I say choose because some of them choose us and we need to have the capacity to handle those ones.
. “Trees are stored sunlight” ~Effy.
Want to muse with me? Before we lose the light and heat and the holidays take over I am doing a 2 week peaceful easy feelings sessions of Wild Musings. Please come! all the glorious details are HERE. xx