I have a few mantras that I live by. Words that guide me back to myself over and over again. One of them is my signature “Live Wild. Stay Gold.” These words have so much meaning to me. They have alchemy in them. Lead into gold.
To live wild is to stop breaking my own heart. For me it means making my own rules, loving my pack, and staying feral in a way I have defined for myself. Living wild means actually thinking about what I want and what is enough and where there needs to be less and more. It is a reminder to be IN my life and the experiences, the heartache, the frustration, the enchantment, and the celebrations because there is magic in being in your life.
Stay gold carries the lineage of The Outsiders (one of my fave books). The Outsiders were a band of wild others who found each other and looked after one another. Stay gold is a reference to a Robert Frost poem in the story. "Nothing gold can stay" - meaning the only true thing is death. From that "stay gold" - means be true to yourself while you are here.
The last seven years have been really tough. My life caught fire in 2015 and for a few years I left the flames behind but took the heat with me. Then 2020 came along and we all know what happened then and didn’t we all wonder how it could get worse? For me, in a weird way 2022 has been worse.
You all know I lost Lola on August 20th. (Thank you so much for supporting me through that. I am still unable to read the notes and messages but I will get there. ) I feel like my heart has gone walkabout. It has hung a back in 15 sign on my ribcage. It is on hiatus and I had no idea when it would return it regular programming.
I turned back to what works. Practical magic. My routines that I make into ritual. And my mantras. I have been examining the ways I break my own heart quite a bit since since I became floofless, and turned 55, and along with that I have been looking at my life through the lens of my love languages of space, ease, simplicity, softness, and enchantment.
The summary of all those is I want some peace and consistency. I need things to stay the same for a little while so I can focus on some other stuff that keep getting back burnered. But I really miss the feline energy that is part of my magic and my fuel. Then last week I got a message from my friend Jen…
It seems her friend Emma had found a mini panther crying loudly in some bushes. They heard her as they walked by. Scared and alone they scooped her up and brought her in and fed her and took her to the vet but there is o microchip or tattoo and she is healthy with no fleas and is about 12-14 weeks old. They did the due diligence to see if someone was looking for her but no one came forward so we suspect she was dumped for the coyotes to get. Theyhave an elderly dog who is anti cat and my friend wondered if I could maybe take her. After some refection I decided to stop breaking my own heart and said yes.
Friends I would like to introduce you to Rhiannon. (shout out to Effy for the name) but I call her RiRi. This is her on her first few nights here.
Her FULL name is Rhiannon Gisele Isabella Ruby Moon Magnusson. It’s a lot I know but she can handle it. As my friend said “she handled the dark alleys of the streets until rescued, all 2 lbs of flesh and courage and might.”
a fierce little black panther with white teeth and a pink tongue yelling.
I picked her up a week ago. She was very scared and spent two days in the closet only coming out at night. She also peed on my bed but we will let that slide. I only decided on her name today. I couldn’t name her until l got to know her.
A week in here is what we know so far:
She is a night owl and she likes to watch tv. Last night she made biscuits for the first time and I cried. She started meowing Saturday and she is a talker. She loves toys and having her cheeks rubbed and when she stretches she forgets to come out of it and just lays there sound asleep and really long. She is slightly bowlegged but struts like she is on a runway. She is only just discovering the cat tree. Today she began her first shift as my assistant.
She holds one paw in the air when she is sitting (exactly like Lola used to) and I have already woken up to this. #stanleycam
a stuffed llama named Stanley has been tipped over from his place between a speaker an a baskets of magazines which sit under a credenza filled with plants and fabulous smalls.
Since 2013 I have walked 6 amazing felines to the rainbow bridge and was honoured to do so. I loved every single one of them like I birthed them from my loins and I still miss them dally in different ways and for different reasons. I love senior cats and black cats because they are the unwanted ones that have trouble finding homes and I have been searching for home for a while so I get it. By home I mean the place, not the apartment. My apartments and the magic I put in to them are part of what has kept me here.
For now though…it’s time for my heart to heal with a baby familiar. She is pure magic and I would die for her already.
I am going to let her settle in and maybe go back for Stevie Nicks, the senior who buried her head in my neck and let me cry into her fur for ten minutes, who I am told is just fine with other cats. I think she is shelter depressed and that is why she is a loaf but right now it’s all about settling in RiRi so she feels safe and soaking up the kitten energy. Be prepared to be bombarded with photos.
Live wild. Stay gold.
Thanks for hanging out with me.
Renee xx