. she would be 91 today. I miss her all the time. sometimes it’s hard to breathe for the missing and Mike and I are in a space and it’s family weird feelings all around. She was my biggest fan and my harshest critic. We didn’t always see eye to eye but we loved each other deeply and always had something to talk about and we laughed a lot.
. began at the beginning with a few things today. It feels ‘whelming but I have to start somewhere.
. donated a bunch more stuff even though I have room and did use some of it but there is something about a purge that feels good.
. and there is good stuff everywhere
. old time frock n roll
. I wonder if you lower your standards, do they ever rise up again?
. doctors office called again and she said I need a height and weight. I said 5”7” and 8 pounds. Which is Lola’s weight. She didn’t say I need YOUR height and weight and she didn’t think it was as funny as I did. She said it was for a referral to a doc and they need it on their form and couldn’t tell me why. So I made one up cause I honestly have no idea. which just proves my point that it doesn’t fucking matter.
. soon
. DVT - my nemesis
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