. Pot roast now has a collection of hats and obviously I am OBSESSED. her mom is hilarious and it never fails to make me laugh. I might send them a kitty wig. @potroastsmom on TT
. does Lola need hats?
. third day in a row I purged stuff I was actively using and dropped it at the thrift. Today was a bunch of linens. Came home with a macrame wall hanging, a brand new with tags duvet cover, a Leonard Cohen book of poems, and a gold bathing suit cover up that is probably 1970’s. all under 30 dollars. I love a good deal.
. hunting for a deep covet I forgot about and never even pinned but it showed back up today and I wonder if i will find it. I usually do.
. that call from the doctor was probably a referral to a new surgeon. thinking about how many people said to me “how could you let that happen?” about my breast reduction surgeon and that question has always baffled me. I was under anesthetic and asleep when it happened. Will forever think about the number of people that said that and similar things.
. Effy told me to let go today. Without claw marks. Sigh.
. making headway on getting the place back up to snuff. actually emptied the dw this morning and cleaned the kitchen whiile coffee was brewing. the routine/ritual is so needed.
. sun salutations. (auto correct changed it to sun SLUTutations and I almost left it) first time in forever. does your body remember cause I think mine has ghosted.
. it will be a smaller intimate group this time I think.
. “I heard stories from my mother's mother who was an American Indian. She was spiritual, although she did not go to church, but she had the hum. She used to tell me stories of the rivers.” - Tina Turner
Come do these for ten days and really be in your life one moment at a time! It will change how you see things and remind you of what you want, what you forgot, and what is perfection right here, right now. Read all about the Wild Musings tour HERE. xx