The saga of Rocky the Raccoon continues....

I will have you know that I bothered my friend all day yesterday for updates.

I told her that we the people NEED TO KNOW. We require MORE INFORMATION.

Hold onto your hats kittens because you are not gonna BELIEVE what I finally got back.

Here we go…

First, a recap.

My friends mom said she has a secret raccoon named Rocky who died of stress related side effects due to all the fake lawns in their community. Rocky was laid to rest by her brother in law at White Rock Beach.

See yesterdays story for screenshots because I did not make this up!

Ok. All caught up?

Like I said I harassed her all day yesterday for more information.

She ignored my texts.

Until 9:22pm when I got this:

ominous right?

ominous right?

uh oh.

I hate being informed I will not be pleased.

I was not prepared for what came next.

(my fave “really. are you kidding me” gif)

(my fave “really. are you kidding me” gif)



We mourned. We lit candles. We had a wake. We sang songs. We cried.

Nicole even made this in honour of Rocky’s passing.


Has he risen?

I mean it WAS just Easter.



Has SHE risen?

Is this like finding an image of Jesus on a grilled cheese sammich?

St. Rocky. Patron saint of astroturf and retirement communities.

What is happening here?

I have no words.

I have no words.

I feel like i am in bizarro world.

Rocky is NOT dead but SHE HAD A BABY.

My friend has a raccoon nephew.

Original Rocky was chucked onto the sand by her brother in law? WHAT? mean.

Did a racoon actually pass on from stress related side effects or were we all being pranked?


I am so confused.

I asked about the baby.

I was sent a screenshot from a conversation between my friend and her sister.

the entire family has lost it.

the entire family has lost it.


But I needed a moment to regroup and get my thoughts together.

I must note that this a group chat and Leyanne is witness to these shenanigans.

I must note that this a group chat and Leyanne is witness to these shenanigans.

Are you as confused as I am?

Rocky was not dead, she was in labour.

There is now a baby Rocky and my friend is an aunt. Or maybe an older sister considering this is all happening to her mother.

I don’t know. It’s all very convoluted.

Nothing was buried and we don’t know if her brother in law was even involved and if anything was chucked onto the beach.

Clearly I needed clarification.

The “surprise” was sent with confetti.

The “surprise” was sent with confetti.

I will note that her response took a while but it eventually came through neatly summarized..




truly, it really isn’t at all surprising.

truly, it really isn’t at all surprising.


are you sensing an attitude? I am.

are you sensing an attitude? I am.

I may have poked the bear a little hard but I feel my journalistic integrity is at stake here.

I mean I do appreciate her getting us more details and some of the back story, even if it took all day.

I really do!

But I wasn’t done asking questions.

it’s not always about what YOU want.

it’s not always about what YOU want.

If you are still here reading bless your heart.

eye roll

eye roll

Dare I ask about the heron?

sorry mom. Your daughter will no longer be calling.

sorry mom. Your daughter will no longer be calling.

I asked.


sausage dog. NOT wiener dog. My bad.

sausage dog. NOT wiener dog. My bad.

One day I will write a book based entirely on the weird animal stories she texts me.

Jim and Harry and Skittle and so many others.

But for now I decided to let the saga of Rocky the raccoon be what is it.

I only had one more follow up question.

annnndd SCENE.

annnndd SCENE.

There you have it.

That is all she wrote. Literally.

We are not sure what happened to mama but I believe mama is probably ok and is out getting food for herself to have the strength to feed baby. I don’t think her brother in law did anything.

Her tiny blond mother is on her deck probably hissing and yelling at anyone who comes near Baby Rocky so we know baby is safe.

Also Julie made a “baby raccoon, no trespassing” sign.

My friend has blocked her entire family because she needs rest but I am still golden.

As it should be.

Say a little prayer for Baby Rocky.

Thanks for hanging out with me.

Live wild. Stay gold.

(Day 7 of Effy Wild’s blog along)

PS - if you have enchanting and odd stories of your own come to BEWITCHED and tell them! Isabel and I can’t wait!

Because I can...

I didn’t know what to write about today so I thought I would take you thrift shopping with me.

I had to drop a few things off this morning. Stuff that didn’t find their place here in my redecoration and not worth selling on Marketplace. I get a 20% off coupon when I donate so obviously I went in. I like to go right when they open so I know everything is clean and it’s always pretty much empty of people.

I have a routine.

I hit lingerie and robes first because I love kimonos and that’s where they are (hot tip) and I collected and sold vintage lingerie for years so it’s ingrained in me.

It’s soooooo soft.

It’s soooooo soft.

I found this sweet little black slip that fits perfectly. I have had to replace all of my slips since my breast reduction in 2019 so this is a process. By all I mean about 20. I like selection lol.

it’s all in the details.

it’s all in the details.

Look at the pretty details. I love how sheer it is. I can’t wait to wear it.

Then I hit shoes. Nothing today. I don’t really need shoes cause I pretty much live in my pillow slides, flip flops or sneakers and I don’t buy sneakers second hand unless they have not been worn. I need to break them in myself or they kill my knees. I did find a gorgeous pair of Beth Dutton inspired black ankle boots the other day though.

Next I wander upstairs to linens. I have been doing ok flipping hand hooked rugs, throw pillows, and vintage bedspreads so I always take a look. I got this fab white velvet knot pillow just because I could and I am keeping it. Who doesn’t love a random giant knot pillow? Weirdly we found a mustard yellow one for Niki a few weeks ago. I love it.

It looked a little gnarly when i found it but i virgo fixed it.

It looked a little gnarly when i found it but i virgo fixed it.

Then I hit purses and coats. Dresses and sweaters and this time of year bathing suits because I am obsessed with vintage bathing suit cover ups. I just sent 3 to my friends in Michigan because they have a pool - one for each of them and one for their daughter because 8 is not too young to look cool by the pool lol.

I found this soft cotton oversized sweater dress. It’s 60% cotton and I can’t read the other 40% but it didn’t itch me and it’s a great colour and I love how sheer it is. It will look amazing under a kimono or with a lacy bra and high waisted jeans and clogs.

it’s such a great midnight blue.

it’s such a great midnight blue.

I have been skipping pants and skirts because of Sigourney so next step is pictures.

Most of my artwork is by people I know and love but sometimes I find the odd thing I just have to buy. I hate clutter but I love walls filled with artwork and I love that maximalist side of me.

Saw this print and I am OBSESSED with moon anything so I was immediately attracted.

I will always reach for the moon and I know sometimes we need a little help.

I will always reach for the moon and I know sometimes we need a little help.

Value Village sometimes prices things really high so I had no idea what to expect when I turned it over to see the price (it was 6.99 before my coupon) and there was a dedication. I always look at the backs of artwork and in the covers of second hand books to see if someone wrote something. There is a kind of enchanted magic there that makes me feel good.

I looked it up. It’s Rumi.

I looked it up. It’s Rumi.

How lovely is that? I can’t wait to hang it. Carly and I are painting tomorrow and FINALLY getting all my artwork up.

$30.01 later and it’s all for me. Nothing to flip today. I won’t go tomorrow because it is seniors day and it’s always packed. Too much for me in this pandemic.

I did come home to a message about a pillow I paid 3.99 for and sold for 25 and she picked it up this afternoon so I feel like I did ok today!

Still on the hunt for some 70’s dishes cause I donated most of mine. I need a vessel of some sort for my bathroom shelves for my eyeshadows. I kinda want new patio chairs. And there is always vintage lingerie and caftans and bathing suit coverups and plant pots and 70’s clutches and huge oversized cardi’s which again is me channeling Beth Dutton.

Thanks for hanging out with me.

(day 5 of Effy Wild’s blogalong)

Oh - Bewitched is open for registration too!