. I have had these paint swatches on my wall for a week and i don’t think any of them are the one. Theses are from Lowe’s and I going to go to Home Depot and see what they have. I chose the blue in m living room in a an instant but this green is kiling me.
. I was going to paint one wall and woke up wondering what the entire room painted green would feel like? With my black bed and flufly white bedding. Would I feel like I was waking up in the forest like the feral kitten I believe i am? Thoughts?
. I want to wake up happy.
. It’s my birthday weekend and Mike is taking me to Ikea to buy fluffy white bedding as my present. I donated all of my vintage bedspreads and I am currently using a nap blanket and it’s starting to get chilly. Should have thought that through lol.
. My main focus this weekend is the final bits of my apartment redecoration now that i have my dream shelf. It’s a disaster in here and it’s making me cranky. I miss the me that had everything in its place. Space. Ease. simplicity. Maybe this weekend I will write about simplicity.
. I feel like my vaca won’t really start til next week because i had a bunch of stuff to do to wrap up all those tours and housework and my inbox is a mess.
. It’s starting to feel like fall.
. I wonder if Mike will get the cameo or the stuff from Ravens Veil?
. I think I am watching too much grey’s. lol
Day 10 of Effy’s blogalong.