. I am interpreting this photo from my colouring app last night as live footage of me and Lola screaming away full speed from everyone online that annoys us. Also, I should get her a cape.
. I was at Lowe’s the other day looking at paint samples and decided to check out the price of tall palms for my living room because it is clear I cannot grow a fern and I was looking at some plants and I saw movement and I immediately thought RAT but it was a tiny lizard. We made eye contact and are friends now.
. My hair grew two inches overnight. I might dye it pink.
. Thinking lots and with love about my baby squirrel and how hard it is to send seniors to the rainbow bridge. Mama, I hope you know you were loved and that Len and Stevie and Nigel met you at the endless cheese buffet in the sky and showed you the way.
. Booked a call with my Yaya for monday and thinking about the time we created two fictional witches who owned a shop called The Space that carried everything you ever wanted and didn’t know you needed and how they would meddle in peoples lives and fix things and I miss them. And her.
. I am now following a pet raccoon on TikTok named Reba. No one will be surprised by this.
. Wild Musings Tour was so fun and I love that so many that came are still musing. Like REALLY love that.
. I am going to keep saying that my abortion was a fantastic decision and was not traumatic and I am grateful I could have it done safely because we need to change the narrative.
. The term holding space is heading to the same territory as deep dive for me lately. There are a bzillion ways for people to hold space and there as just as many ways people need it held and not everyone meets everything so how can you be an expert at it? .
. I got a bit tidied in my apartment today but I did more couch surfing than anything. Feeling a bit more rested so tomorrow.
. Dropped some stuff at the thrift and found the most gorgoeus 40’s rayon reversible kimono robe. And the person at the check out asked me why I always bought them and i said I wear them and use them as art and she said she loves them too and I love that we had that little connection in common.
Day 3 of Effy’s September blogalong.