. I finally decided to give Grey’s Anatomy a try. Early adopter I am not. It started in 2005 lol. But I feel like I joined a secrete club because I finally know what Dr. McDreamy means. I am on ep 6 of season 1.
. Felt inspired and wrote my list about Wild Musings on Saturday night. Late. I love late night writing and I love this bit that I said as way if invitation : If you are ready to notice that the sun sets later all of a sudden and you have the urge to buy school supplies and you can suddenly see sunflowers over fence tops and the raccoon babies in your backyard are getting bigger and your fave tiktoker just hit 1 million and you re-watched all the Avenger movies and have thoughts and you never want your tan to fade and you are craving stews and chilis and big pots of soup then I invite you to join me on this tour and muse on your OWN life, one moment at a time.
. I said to someone today I will not buy from a white person who does not market from a anti capitalist and counter culture lens. With payment options and community care etc.
. people get a lot of satisfaction from their dissatisfaction. Baffles me. But I have unfriended and been unfriended from a few who live in it and it feels like a gift to myself. That peace.
. another bag of stuff to the thrift. That is 6 trips so far.
. I took myself up to Brentwood yesterday to see the renos and H & M had the Renee collection. ON SALE. This is why I peek at trends. for moments like these.
. Took Mike out for a birthday breakfast yesterday and it was (mostly) really nice. We are trying.
. I am obsessed with Glow Up n Netflix. These MUA’s have so much talent and amazing style and I am getting secret messages like crazy.
. Feels like fall today which is too early to feel that way.
. something something maybe?
Wild Musings welcome email goes out this Sunday and first prompt is Monday. You can read all the glorious details HERE. Join me?