I am having anxiety about being behind because I committed to this challenge but then Lola had a talk with me and told me that it’s ok that I am behind and to just jump back in from here. I muse daily in a notes folder on my phone so here are the highlights.
9.11 - I thought I would head immediately into vaca but I needed to catch up on so many things I haven’t really gone fully into vaca mode and that’s ok. I did a deep clean and a bunch of laundry and finished my living room and caught up on some docs appts and email and phone calls i needed to make and boring stuff like that and still have not chosen a green.
9.12 - Supposed to go to Ikea with Mike today but he has been filming late so we are not going. Which i prefer actually. I only want to spend time with people who are generous in spirit and not out of obligation and I would rather someone say I am really exhausted can we do this another time.
9.13 - I turned 54 today and it was a lovely day. On Sunday that Guy dropped by with flowers which was sweet. Mike dropped by with cards and wine and cash on his way home from work. The East Van witches took me out for dinner which was hilarious because you can’t get a hot meal in this city after 8:30 and you can’t get anything on a Monday but we went to the local pub that was miraculously open and it was fun. Carly gave me a black cat watering can that Lola was not on board with when I put it beside her food dish as she was eating and Niki gave me a birthday candle full of facts about people born on September 13. I am surrounded by love.
9.14 - EFFY AND ISABEL GOT ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIDEOS FROM POT ROAST AND HER MOM AND IT’S EVERYTHING. I knew it would be. and I did threaten to go on an absolute rampage if I didn’t get one lol. They are so hilarious and I am keeping them forever and have watched them about 47 million times. You can marvel at them if you want. I am obsessed. Pot Roast one and Pot Roast two. They also knew something else wouldn’t happen so they MADE it happen and my heart grew grinch styles. <3
9.15 - I cannot get motivated to finish rearranging my bedroom and haven’t even made the bed. I am sleeping on top of the bedspread and i hate it when I get like this but it happens and i just need to work through it. Finished all seasons of Grey’s and wondering if that show in that amount all at once is affecting my mood? Gonna take a break from tv for a few days and sleep as much as I want this week.
9.16 - Carly had the day off so we hit vv on 49th and got groceries and had lunch. Found a vintage grandma pillow in gold silk for 5 bucks. It was worth the drive.
9.17 - I have forgotten how to deep breathe. I have been taking vids of lola being cute and I can hear my shallow breathing so gonna look at that when vaca really starts.
9.18 - ultrasound for my swollen thyroid today. I hate having my throat touched and to press the ultrasound on it was torture and I was on the edge of a panic attack. I need my neck clear. No chokers, no crew necks, no turtlenecks, no tight scarves. It’s a thing.
9.19 - my remaining plants are thriving and I have been mostly offline this week and I took some of my birthday cash and went to my local witch store and got a few things and I am wondering if it is time for an altar again? I have wild altars everywhere because my home is an altar to my self loyalty but haven’t had anything “official” in a while.
9.20 - Started watching Ted Lasso and this is the show I needed. It’s so funny and real and it is lifting my spirits. Grey’s made me feel like I was dying. Every patient had me googling symptoms.
9.21 - I went to the dollar store to buy coffee filters and bought some bat shaped twinkle lights.
9.22 - Dropped some more stuff at the thrift and came home with a mug with a pistol handle, gold platform heels, and mini oranges encased in acrylic. Because of course i did lol.
All the days of Effy’s blogalong.