. Mama moon was playing shy last night but this is still honestly the best photo of the moon I have ever taken. I wonder why she hates to be photographed. Is she up there muttering "fuckn paparazzi" when she decides to really take up space?
. The prompt this week in Bewitched is on wild altars and there is a paragraph that literally gave me goosebumps when I wrote it. I have so missed that feeling of knowing that my fingers are hitting keys forming words that make me feel that way. It's been a minute.
. then yesterday I did the sales page for the daily musings tour and I felt the same way. Sales pages are my kryptonite but I love this one and there was so much ease.
. I got a BRAND NEW fridge today because mine has been making my veggies sweaty and in my entire life living on my own since 18 I have never had a place with a brand new fridge. Ever.
. the guy that delivered the fridge said his neighbour is a life coach working with companies on teamwork etc and suggested - without knowing a thing about what *I* do - that it might be a good avenue for me. I said (among other things) does he go in and rob them of their lunch hours and feed them mediocre pizza so that the owners can suck more life from their probably underpaid asses to make more money? This guy was standing around while the worker guy was leveling the fridge and the worker guy almost choked laughing. This guy didn't find it funny but..oh well. *shrugs*
. lost my phone for 3 hours yesterday cause it fell in my small donation bag i gave to the thrift and find my iphone was telling me it was at vv and I thought it was by the checkout and had a full on panic attack and started to cry but then realized it might be in the donation bag and the whole things gave me a migraine which is why I didn't launch yesterday as promised.
. But I did find a vintage chenille all white summer bedspread so I have that going for me.
. I have been watching old episodes of kitchen nightmares and would 10/10 hate fuck Gordon Ramsey. Still.
. grapefruit Perrier is my elixir of choice these days. I am so bougie lol.
. I love my hair.