. This is Stanley. I don’t know why Lola hates him.
. I am so weary of marketing makeover stories leading to sales pages and how those stories never include where the money to recreate your life actually comes from and wanting everyone to go on a deep dive and really - do we need to be raw all the fucking time - because it just makes people feel like they don’t measure up and not everything requires a deep dive and a need to expose yourself in a raw and real way. That’s not how we evolve and change and find our peace in this world. Yes somethings require a deeper exploration but not every single thing and why do I see it everywhere? Let’s float on our discoveries and sometimes tread water together or get out of the water entirely for a moment if you want and just lie on the beach soaking it all in. That’s how I run my stuff and it’s glorious.
. I was hanging in with someone on text who was going through something and she said are you mad at me and I said not at all and if I was i would tell you because in my relationships i believe in direct communication that is kind and honest because I am no longer willing to live a life of relationships where I am constantly decoding subtext. It is fucking exhausting and giving that up, and the people who passive aggressively do that, is my own self loyalty in action. She said oh I guess I don’t really know anything about your story. And it was such a moment for me that we are friends but she doesn’t really know anything about my story. still noodling on that.
. this moon energy has me exhausted and exhilarated at the same time.
. I think fb is hiding my wild musings tour posts like they did bewitched because i asked a few people who have me larked to see first and they said they don’t see them. I asked because the amount of engagement i get on these and the amount of people who have asked me how I do them vs the likes and comments on the sales post do not add up. its frustrating.
. I want wellness professionals to be a little kinder, less ableist, less victim blaming, less cherry picking of the real story to press pain points.
. solstice
. I brain dumped it all into an email I haven’t sent yet because even though I am sure he never considers it I think about it constantly.
. my doctors office left me a voicemail to call them to update my height and weight because I refused to do it at my last visit and I will not be returning that call.
. no one held me after my mom died. it’s been 5 years and still no one has and it still breaks my heart.
I am doing a ten day prompted Wild Musings course at the end of August and it is a gorgeous way to practice being in all the moments of your life one moment at a time. You can sign up HERE and there is community care pricing and a portion of proceeds going to Red Root Collective.