Covet + Obsession as a spiritual practice.
It was my intention to do these weekly because I believe it IS a spiritual practice but waves hand at all of this so I am doing them when I do them. I do have them all pinned on a secret board and I keep a running list in my phone. I have been doing this religiously for a really long time and i love sharing them.
Because i believe that wanting what you want and loving what you love matters.
Let’s go!
Decorate Wild by Justina Blakeney.
I am OBSESSED with the jungalow and her new house. I have her book The New Bohemians and I preordered this one and it arrived yesterday. This is totally my jam. I love a boho style with interesting prints and mix match of elements.
I also really believe in building a foundation that totally reflects who we are. In our homes and our wardrobes. It is self care of a different kind. It is self loyalty. To what you love, what inspires you, lineage, and so many other things.
One day I will have a book. And so it is.
Also, I love coffee table books and have a few faves. But they don’t sit on my coffee table lol .
This is Stanley.
Stanley lives a the Useless Farm and I am obsessed with him and this account in general.
She posts really funny videos of all their animals. The other day she said “I don’t know who needs to see this but here is a video of Stanley’s hair blowing in the breeze.
Me. I needed to see that!
But wait.
Still Stanley…but accessorized.
She did ANOTHER video a day later with this.
I have died. I laughed so hard.
Go watch it here.
But that isn’t all….
Stanley. I love you so.
Today she posted that Stanley got a groupon to get hair extensions and what do we all think?
Love it.
I am here for it.
This account is the absolute best. OBSESSED..
I love me some fringe.
There are some things on my covet list that I believe only exist in my mind. They live on for YEARS and I name them out loud hoping one day whatever it is will cross my path.
This week one of them did.
A covet that I have had for 30 YEARS!
she is MINE.
I have always wanted a black oversized fringed jacket.
I had a rust coloured 70’s suede one in the 80’s but it did not have full arm fringe and it was not black.
The store I work at had this on their reels the other day. Coming up soon on their noon hit list.
I literally gasped. Could this be it?
I STALKED THEM. refresh.refresh.refresh.refresh.refresh.
It came up. 2XL, black, and 79 dollars.
I typed MINE and hit send. HopingHopingHoping cause I know how story sales work.
I GOT it. Went an picked it up that afternoon and let me tell you.
This jacket is buttery soft. LIKE BUTTER. Fringe is intact. It’s nicely oversized even at my current size. Lining is intact.
Sometimes keeping something you imagine on a covet list for decades pans out.
The universe provides and everything aligns to get it. Timing, finances, dedication. It happens.
Keep your dreams alive people! Keep.your.dreams.alive.
Also from my store there is this 70’s velvet pantsuit.
Not my size but I have died. I am OBSESSED and will start coveting for something similar.
getting close
If you look at the last image the model is wearing iridescent/holographic boots AND I MUST HAVE THEM.
It’s very futuristic and we are in the future. Right?
I have messaged the store to find out more details but I did find these ones online at NastyGal even if they are sold out of my size.
The search WILL continue for these.
Photo credit to BBC
I am Icelandic and I am obsessed with footage of the volcano that is erupting there.
What does this mean?
What is the Norse mythology surrounding this?
I need to do more research but I can’t get enough footage and photos. I am following it everywhere. On twitter, IG, TikTok and the news.
live footage of my bathroom shelf
I have quite a few pieces of Dirt Spindle’s pottery.
A few lip bowls and a planter.
A nose mug.
A belly bowl.
A boob planter.
I love her stuff so much and she is the loveliest person.
Local to East Van and she is releasing another series at the end of the month.
I follow her on IG so I have seen some sneak peeks and I can’t wait.
This is the stuff I save for. 5 dollars here. 10 there.
Even though her prices are amazing it’s still an investment and I want what I want.
OBSESSED with these dagger earrings from Inner Wolf Jewelry.
They are sold locally at this stunning little witch shop just down the street from my apartment called The Raven’s Veil. (a store BTW that I could spend some serious money at. On cards and tinctures and art and STUFF)
I like jewelry that is weapons.
look at this!
Speaking of the Raven’s Veil I met this little guy last time I was there and I am in deep covet for him. I love mixing sculpture with painting and prints. I think he needs to live with me.
I shall find out more details and report back in a musings. I’ll wander down there later next week.
Grab a coffee and a delicious muffin from the bakery next door. Make a date of it.
Finally, it is cherry blossom season in Vancouver. Everything is blooming.
If you haven’t looked up recently I encourage you to do so immediately.
Bask in the glory of new life.
Thanks for hanging out with me.
Live wild. Stay gold.
Renee xx
(Day 11 of Effy Wild’s Blog Along)
PS - we will be covering the practical magic of our homes and adornment in BEWITCHED. Check it out. xx