This catbird/miranda butterfly necklace because my mom loved flutterbyes and it is a necklace for “taking off and letting go” - also I love what they did with the box (scroll down on the link).
This dish from Ritualcravt because “I fucking love you” is a term of endearment I use frequently.
These nip planters because they are perfectly imperfect like my own nips are now and I am trying to change how I feel after my butchered surgery.
These YSL star.moon platforms which are $179 here (prob fake) because I love moons and stars.
A giant monstera because I don’t have one but I do have room for one.
Wood shelves in my kitchen because I need more room for plants.
A high pressure rain shower head because the shit one I have means it takes me an hour to wash and condition my hair and I am over it.
This new Glossier Vinylic lipstick because I can still wear lipstick at home sans mask.
This book by Lindy West because I think all those movies fucked up our body image, self esteem and were completely misogynistic, abelist, and mean and also I was raised by pop culture so I have to know.