These amazing 70’s Stevie Nicks inspired earrings are real silver and I found them for $6.99. Lola’s wants me to tell you that her tail is NOT FOR SALE.
This stunning polished rose quartz tea light holder was $1.99. I put it in my chaotic plant vignette. It’s actually a meditation space I am building in that corner because my mind needs something to manage * waves hand at all of this *.
These amazing terry cloth super soft and comfy dad slippers for $4.99. I feel like I should rock them with short shorts and knee high tube socks and go out and mow the lawn or something.
This adorable vintage sewing basket for $7.99. I have always coveted one but they are usually way larger than I need and super expensive.
She has the built in pin cushion on the lid! A wee stain on the bottom but I think I can get this out. I can’t wait to transfer everything from the dollar store plastic container my needles and threads are currently in to this.
I love memoirs and books of personal essays and I think B.J. Novak is hilarious so I am looking forward to this read. $4.99
These vintage Canadiana playing cards for $5.99. One of the packages isn’t even opened! I am thinking of flipping them.
And finally, Carly spied this AMAZING 70’s cat for $9.99! She then said “you have a lot of cat themed art”… * shrugs * - Can’t have too many cats!
Day 15 of Effy Wild’s blog along
PS - BEWITCHED is open for registration and we are going to be applying some practical magic to our homes and wardrobes…among many other bewitching things. Come join us for a summer long pool party of enchantment + delight.