1. It is lilac season and if I had a lilac tree I would leave a note on it saying "help yourself to a bouquet but please leave enough for others" because lilacs should be shared and we don't all have our own tree.
2. I will take my small but important business without a marketing plan, or posting nudes, or a social media manager and I will keep creating things that ask people to be in their lives and seek out happiness and change and enchantment in a way that celebrates who we are at our most natural selves and I will invite in enough people that get me and are invested in me - invested having many nuances - in a way that I can meet myself and my love languages fully. I do want enough people for the IG swipe up feature but I want that lowered to 2000 because I want engagement and communion.
3. I am friends with an amazing Indigenous woman on FB and she made a post the other day about her spiritual practice that went right through me and landed in places that needed filling. With her permission I am sharing a piece -
"How I walk, the medicines I use, when (and even how) I pray - more wandering thought than structured ritual. Gently is how we greet the earth, gratitude how we harvest. The moon hears me both dark and light. My relationship with the water not cleansing baptism, but stirring depths. I am my grandmother's daughter and she was the ancient disguised as propriety, building bridges, braiding responsibility between the kept, and the lost and the necessary until one is unreachable without the other.
No altars. No tools.
Speak into being, be careful, be kind.
Know who you are. Know who you come from.
Know you are never alone."
and it was the reassurance I didn't even know I needed. I do a prompt called Wild Altars Everywhere on tour and it is confusing to some because we all have an image, an idea, of how our spiritual practices and corresponding spaces SHOULD look and then we wonder if we are getting it right. And there has been something in me for a long time seeking permission so I have made some changes. M wild altars are my text messages with friends and my kimono collection. They are the rosaries hanging everywhere and my chaotic plant vignettes. I have given MYSELF permission and removed all apps like the pattern and co star and anything that had me looking for a sign. Except my moon app cause those mesages are hilarious. "No altar. No tools." Just me trusting in my decisions and my gut and loving what I love and that does include tarot cards but i use them for secret messages and not readings and it has really freed me up. If an account pops up on my feed that I followed that is spiritual advice I unfollow because I want to see where this goes and what I know. The only thing I am sticking with is astrology because it is a new found fascination but not in a way to tell me who I am. I know who I am.
4. I didn't say you can't sit with me. I said I am sitting over there and you didn't want to come. This is the summary of most of my friendship endings that last few years.
5. The biggest thing I learned this year while doing my own purge after That Guy left and researching for a possible tour is that people build a wall of stuff - literal stuff - to protect themselves and hide behind - in grief, as a result of poverty trauma, because spending is how they manage depression or anxiety or feel worthy - and when they need to see the light again it's whelming because they don't know what is important out of all of it. It's true for me and my spaces and that constant question of "how did I get here?" as I was purging. I won't go back and I am so grateful for the work i put into that
6. I want to sell vintage again but the above has me a little freaked out. I don't have the space for a store. I don't want the clutter of inventory and shipping supplies etc. But I do miss it because I have a knack for finding the BEST stuff - its a superpower - and I can't keep it all. Ultimately I want to get to the point where I see it and acknowledge it and leave it for someone else. But that's not exactly easy to do every time and I wish I could afford to just send tons of random prezzies out all the time and the going back and forth on this is getting exhausting. I need to just make a decision if its a yes or no.
7. I was chatting with a friend today and we were celebrating something big that happened for her and I said "it's amazing how focused you can be when you remove men from your life" and isn't that the truth! It wasn't until I typed it to her that I realized it was true for me. Since That Guy is out of my life and home and I chose celibacy and no pandemic dating and ultimately chose ME it's shifted everything from my bank account to my anxiety to how I care for myself cause it's just me. No one is seeing me naked, no one has expectations - physically or otherwise - of me that I feel I fail at because I am how I am. There is more here but it was a moment I wanted to acknowledge.
8. I am still having a hard time healing. I hate it when my house is a disaster but I am letting it go.
9. I have plans. Things on the calendar this year and next - work and personal - that I am REALLY looking forward to and in the last 5 and especially 2020 I realize how much I missed that feeling and I am glad I did what I did and put off what I did. Other than my Sigourney healing and upcoming dental work I might be content and I am just gonna sit and bask in that for a while.
10. It is snowing pink petals all over my hood and I can’t get enough of it.
Musings are a response to Isabel’s writing sanctuary Begin (again).
day 30 of Effy’s blog along)