1. I will vignette today. I have 3 floating shelves in the space I have claimed as my studio and I have a few new things I want to add like a vintage tiger ashtray which will hold my crystals that I forgot to put out for mama moon last night. It takes time for spaces to tell me how they want to be styled.
2. I will attempt to sweep today if it feels right. Fern leaves and incense ash and cat fur and lane dust that sneaks in because her majesty must always have the door open but I am told not to use my ab muscles, assuming there are muscles there, and apparently our abdomens are used to do EVERYTHING.
3. I will purchase today because i am tempted to get myself something new and amazing to arrive in the mail and I my fave ever slip dress from Shein is worn so much I need a backup and I feel there might be a 4 dollar pair of earrings to come with it and maybe something else that is small and inexpensive. Also this is a sign of my dissatisfaction with my healing process.
4. I will coffee all day like I do every day.
5. I will pine. Because I cannot pick her up yet and hold her floofy little body on my chest with our hearts together and cuddle her while she purrs.
6. I will create practical magic and real life enchantment for BEWITCHED and I will wear a fabulous Endora robe with my unwashed hair while doing it.
7. I will (hopefully) write a gorgeous and engaging prompt on muses for the Bush kittens because we are in the style portion of the spring session and i have them pinning inspo and creating mood boards and in a few weeks we will analyze it all like private detectives and pull out the feelings and then relate that to style and adornment.
8. I will delete a few people who are testing me with their hustle and go big or go home and Gary V type of empowerment but make it pretty and girl bossy and attach a bleeding story of how it USED to be for them because I find it completely unempowering and massively annoying which I assume is the exact opposite of how they want me to feel so I must free us both of that energy.
9. I will go stand in my tiny closet and visit my clothes that i have not been able to wear and whisper soon my pretties soon to them and touch them lovingly and remind myself that I have mad style because I have been in the same tank dress for 5 days.
10. I will rest. Because i just had major surgery and I need to remember that it was major surgery and I will curse that anesthesiologist and wish I had the real magic to hex him but I don't, I only have practical magic so may his fitted sheets forever flip off the corners of his bed and may his ice cube trays forever be empty and may he never get a full erection again and may his socks always slide under his heel and may he somehow end up on a no fly list and may he never find a parking space and may he always be in the slow checkout lane and may he be rejected by a woman he really likes because he DOESN'T FUCKING LISTEN TO WOMEN WHEN THEY TELL HIM THINGS. May it be so.
Musings are in response to Isabel’s Begin (again) writing sanctuary and the question “what will you do today?”
(day 26 of Effy’s blog along)