1. I have a chin hair that is unpluckable and I don't know why it won't give way and come out. I rub my finger over it again and again and if it never gives I will tie a tiny diamond on it and say fuck it.
2. They canceled all "non-essential" surgeries in my province today and I cried. Because that means i got in just under the wire and because this surgery was canceled LAST March so I know the wait and I feel for everyone rescheduled. Non essential does not mean unnecessary. People are living in pain. I had to log off because the outrage was more about the travel restriction and people who could not go to their cabins than anything else. I wanted to respond to it all in all caps DON'T GO TO YOUR FUCKING CABINS AND INFECT SMALL COMMUNITIES WITH NO HOSPITALS but then I think they know that. They just don't care and I logged off and went back to bed.
3. I watched Beaches yesterday from my bed and I forgot that when the movie came out I was so obsessed with her tiny apartment on Avenue A that had the bathtub in the kitchen and was pink and green that I once had this studio apartment above a store and I painted all the trim emerald green like CC Bloom did and I sent a million screenshots to Stacy.
4. I am so gassy from my surgery that I am grateful I live alone. Although Lola seems incredibly unimpressed.
5. I miss the thrift. I haven't been all week. Maybe a lap through there for an hour would do me good. I just flipped another vintage chenille bedspread I got last Friday and Friday is when all the good linens come out. Maybe I can find and flip another one. I also bought a llama for no other reason than it made me laugh out loud. I named him Stanley and he lives under my fern.
6. I am embracing doing things for no reason other than they make me happy.
7. Not only am I gassy I am so itchy I want to rip my skin off. Isn't that always the way of any freezing or sedative or anesthetic? It leaves through my skin but I can't shower or bathe for a week. Only a whores bath for me. Is that still a term? Whore's bath.
8. <redacted for reasons that are not for public consumption>
9. I spoke too soon. The rain is back and Lola is curled up like a croissant on second branch and I have all the twinkle lights on and it's chilly in here but the coffee is warm and my slippers are soft
10. Someone told me “I manage all my dissatisfaction by spending” and it was like my life was put together. I can so relate. Hmmm.
These musings are in response to Isabel’s Begin (again) writing sanctuary.
(Day 22 of Effy’s blog along)