. I am letting some really amazing unique one of a kind stuff go on FB marketplace and it’s ok because I have realized that there is good stuff everywhere for me to discover and I don’t have room for these things and they are not organically finding their place in this home I am creating and someone else will love them and they do because they are sending me photos of these pieces in their own homes.
. Letting go used to be so hard for me. I think it’s related to loss. The holding on tightly. The missing of my mom and being in relationship with That Guy and 5 senior cats in 6 years and financial insecurity and friendships that ended and just life. It’s a fucking lot sometimes all the time at certain times. I used to say everything I ever let go of had claw marks on it and I am not sure that is the case anymore. Is this what healing looks like?
. This photo is the view from my desk in the wee studio space I claimed off my kitchen. It’s me metaphorically peeing to mark my territory. I lived with a musician for over a decade and there was always room for studio space and my friend lovingly snatched me and said you work from home and own a business and you need YOUR space. She remembers when everything I did was me balancing my laptop on the arm of the couch. I still work from the couch and my bed but having this desk, and my wee file drawers and floating shelves of all my fave writers and talismanic smalls right next to me is a really good feeling.
. I saw someone offer something and it’s someone i like a lot but I remembered when they posted a request for relationship problems and I responded and then they made fun of my response on their podcast - well their partner did and they said something but still - and I don’t buy from them anymore. Something about being the butt of a joke that is meant to hurt is a sting that never goes away. I don’t find it funny and I am sensitive and that’s ok. I still love her writing but her spaces are not safe for me.
. i rewatch old sitcoms from start to finish because they are familiar and they make me laugh and i know and love the characters and sometimes it is background noise and sometimes I sit down and end my day with them and lately my go to is Seinfeld and the way they cast that show is perfection. I am really digging Kramer right now. No visible source of income. Loves vintage. Hipster doofus. Obsessed with fresh fruit. Levels. Magic with the ladies. Knows how to make an entrance.
. baby bear frolicking videos are my elixir right now.
. forgot how much work flipping vintage is but it’s keeping me fed so I will do it. I always have that skill to fall back on. My mother wanted my fall back skill to be accounting. Maybe she was right lol.
. still wanting to do a subscription special prezzie service. I see stuff all the time and have people in mind but I am not at that level of income yet. I shipped something the other day and it was 42 dollars!
. this year is flying past. it’s April 1st already.
. My swamp witch Effy. Doing her April blog along.