. I saw this little bear at the thrift. He had no pepper to his salt. So I went looking for it. Couldn't find it. But I did find this little owl who had no salt to her pepper. I am a fan of unlikely animal friendships so I bought them both and now they are each other's salt and pepper. Might be the best 4 dollars I have spent this year.
. I also bought a random photograph of Marilyn Monroe sitting on the most epic orange patio set ever. I am a strange bird.
. I finally got the prompt done for Full Bush. Only 4 days "late". I have had a meno migraine for dayssss which has severely limited my ability to sit and write. But it gives me anxiety to not meet commitments which doesn't help. and at the same time I teach honouring your capacity and boundaries so I must as well. all over the map over here. How about you?
. Meno feels like a full time job sometimes and I wish we could all have a few years off to do nothing but manage it cause fuck me it can be a lot. When I am in charge of everything I will make this happen.
. The FBT prompt is about what we believe (we are still in hibernation so we are meandering down some interesting paths). The spiritual, political, ethereal, and other things that ground and guide us. I told a story about this little vietnamese restaurant in my hood that is my absolute fave and I hold the belief that their broth heals me. Whenever I feel lost or not like myself I take myself out for a small number 3 - rare beef with noodles - and I come away renewed. Every.single.time.
. Kimberly told me that Beth Dutton reminds her of ME. ME! I died and immediately requested details. Totally made my day because I am channeling her.
. the blackboard wall that used to be a gallery wall is prepped and ready. Filled all the nail holes. I am so excited about having a space to mind map that is large enough to handle how my brain functions.
. working on a one week caftans & gin (a cocktail hour tour) about how our homes can be self care. Aesthetic choices, senses, wild altars everywhere, mood boards, love language etc. It's foundational and supportive in a way that takes self care off a to do list. I have done a few versions of this over the last 7 years and it always evolves and becomes better and better! I am very pleased with myself.
. she hates LolaVision. Even with the comfy cat bed I created in there. Do I sell it? Find a smaller tv and make LolaVision 2.0.
. the things found endearing because thin vs the SAME things found annoying because fat is an indication of your character and entitlement.