. it snowed allll day and night and it's sticking. It's so pretty but cold. I wish my Uggs had arrived so I could go for a walk before it turns to ice. It felt very nostalgic to watch it come down all day. Made me miss my family.
. my way of dealing with societies fucked up version of who women are supposed to be is to laugh about it and reclaim it. I posted a meme today where the essence was Zoom as a salesperson trying to sell us chins. Cause chins I have - we area jowly people - but on Zoom I have more lol. It was funny to me but I have to remember that laughter and reclamation is MY way of dealing and for other people it could be hurtful. I never want to cross that line and harm anyone.
. flowy kimonos for life.
. I have one more cupboard to put stuff away in now that the stuff in it has been purged and organized and I have some art to hang but then I am done. My love languages of space, ease, and simplicity have been brought to life in this place. Easy to keep tidy. Easy to clean. I have no stuff. I wish I had been at this point forever ago. It's a fantastic feeling even though it was a ton of fucking work.
. Lola's new thing is sitting on my forearm while I pet her with my other hand and she does happy feet on my chest. I am covered in tiny little red marks but she has never wanted to sit on my lap before so I let her.
. Zoom coffee with a friend this afternoon was a delightful way to spend a snowy Saturday.
. I saw a tiktok where a couple married 36 years was listening to a song their son wrote about them and they were holding hands and she used HIS hand in hers to wipe away her tears and there was something about that gesture that was so natural that got me.
. how do handle all the cords hanging from a wall mount tv?
. I need a massage. My bones ache and I slept on my shoulder weird. I swear I am 104.
. Bewitched.