. I love that we all know each other well enough to hold up random velvet pillow knots and both immediately think of the same person and then go ahead and buy it without getting a text back saying yes/no. because even if it was a no I could keep it and then every time I saw it I would think of that person. Witches of EaVa for life.
. I sent her a pic of Sir Steve in his new place and she said "we need to catch up. I have no idea what is going on with you and I don't like it." Then she said I wish we were in the same time zone. I'd call you in the morning from bed with my coffee.
. Sometimes in order to get the FULL impact of a story you need to report ALL of the details. A story was told yesterday and we were RAGING because M E N and Lee, our fave waiter, asked what was happening and he got allllll the details. He was so sympathetic to the full fuckery that after hearing the story he surprised us and comped her breakfast because...DAMN.
. Lola has added Moon as a middle name after Esmeralda. She did not discuss it with me. Who am I to argue? It's none of my business.
. the light comes back tomorrow. Hibernation is almost over for another year.
. Moira Rose would not be Moira Rose without her clothes.Neither would Alexis Rose. (can you tell I am rewatching Schitts Creek) I really love shows that understand how clothing and accessories tell a story, become part of the narrative, and show parts of a character without dialogue. Rebooting Adorn for spring. I love these convos so much and i know instinctively how to do that.
. Making notes for Purge Tour about how frustrating the end is. When it's only a box of things you love but don't have space for and have to let go of and it's a stack of paperwork and a severely neglected outdoor space. The ending is almost as hard as the beginning when it comes to this process.
. Off time in March will be partly consumed by dentist and taxes. ugh. Forms. I am gonna need prayers.
. April 20.
. The one year into a pandemic memories. So hurtful to so many.