. @azrael_tinypaws is living her best life and dancing up a storm at the LolaVision disco. I am so happy it went to someone who loved it. Lola DID NOT but she has her tree so that's ok.
. She said "I am calling the moon." So will I. And so it is.
. Lola screamed bloody murder though the first half of a coaching call on Saturday. She usually comes in close to the end to remind me I am ignoring her. I apologized for her yelling at the top of her little cat lungs for 1/2 an hour and my lovely client said "Lola yelling is part of the package" and that acceptance felt really good. Cause Lola can get LOUD.
. I read a twitter thread on how men treat women who are or get sick and it broke my heart and gave me rage because it's always the implication it's something WE did and how it inconveniences THEM. I also have lived experience with this so it hit super hard.
. I don't feel rested. I have been having nightmares but waking up suddenly heart pounding and not remembering them. I hope this stops soon cause 3 nights is enough.
. The Bush Kittens.
. Today I will tackle the gallery wall because I need this stuff off my floor. I want an end to this sorting by the end of the week.
. I have a fondness for coffee table books but don't like them on my coffee table. I prefer to stack them on the floor.
. The sun is shining today and the amount my mood is different is palpable. I really need to move to a sunny warm place year round.
. The Cryptonaturalist is my life coach.