. I love chaotic vignettes. Where things are in piles and things are on top of things. Every time I buy an actual bookshelf I end up getting rid of it. Floating shelves I love but bookshelves are not me.
. I have an old black throw from Homesense or somewhere that I have on the end of my bed. Thrifted a million years ago. But it is shedding. Little balls of weirdly shaped black fluff. Every time I see one of the sheds in my bedroom I immediately think it is a spider. I have been shopping for a new black throw but no one makes them. I finally found one yesterday at the thrift. Hand knit. IN BLACK! Why does no one knit black afghans. For those of us who want our nap blankets to match our heart and soul?
. We were talking about taking lovers the other day. And I cannot even imagine. Literally. Meeting a man who is worthy enough to bring into my space. and my bed. I fucking LOVE my bed. My sanctuary. Worthy enough to meet the magic that is Ms. Lola Esmeralda Moon Floof? Never mind my body and my moves and myself. It seems unfathomable to me right now a year into the pandemic.
. My friend Kelly's dentist has a comfort dog and now I must change dentists.
. I was reading reviews on the doc that did my breast reduction and they are raves and I wonder how my experience could be the complete opposite? Every thing that was said I did NOT experience. I might need to write my own just to let go of the grief and pain and rage.
. LolaVision gets picked up today. I sold it to the only one who sent pics of her cat saying "look how cute I am and I promise you I'll send dance photos". I am a sucker for that. The ad is still getting views and I am still getting messages even though it is marked sold. People are asking for commissions. I have to write it all out because it has been a very surreal experience.
. I did make a new friend from one of the perspective buyers and to quote her status "we are going to run away together for obvious reasons".
. "She isn't some tool for you to stroke your ego with. She is a beautiful, fully formed woman. Dazzling in her complexity. Maddening in her mystery. You underestimate her every fucking time and because of that you will never make her truly happy. Truly deeply fundamentally happy. You will try and fuck up and try and fuck up and every time she will smile and take you back." ~ Ray in Girls.
. This weekend is devoted to a lovely client, Chapel with the Bush kittens, my honorary niece, hanging all my art, and clearing my paperwork corner of shame. I NEED IT DONE.