. I started watching Firefly Lane and I am not sure I can get over Katherine Heigl - only on ep 1 lol - but I did screenshot this fern because a giant 70's fern is my dream fern.
. There is a certain type of person at the thrift store - usually a w hit e male - who shows up right when the new stuff is going out and will pay no attention to your personal space. Now or pre pandemic. If you thrift you know who I mean. He will bump into you, reach around you, reach OVER you just because he has to get everything first. I dropped some donations off today right when they opened and went in for a wander and got into with some dude who tried to reach around me at the books. We had words.
. it's so cold outside.
. square frames are really hard to find.
. took too much cbd again before bed. could feel my heartbeat over my entire body and had really weird dreams. Looked when I got up and i took the cbd.thc oil and not the reg cbd.
. my ugg's got lost in the mail but I plan to reorder them. Right now I need the refund money more.
. my FB memories were so interesting today. Year after year of posts about new ideas coming to life that became things I am really proud of. This confirms my belief that we need to hibernate like the bears do. It is when the cubs are born and this is the time we need to do nothing and rest and see what comes up for us that needs to be born.
. Carly was telling me how to paint my black board wall today by suggesting I leave an inch border all around and I barely listened because it has been my plan all along that SHE paint my blackboard wall lol
. I had to go to the dollar store today for a few under the sink baskets and I bought a wee old spice because it reminded me of my dad. I keep taking the lid off and sniffing it.
. every time i think of the people he so quickly moved on with I laugh. I am a fucking catch.