. I turned the wee eating area off my kitchen into my studio/work space. I have never had a "dedicated" office space. High rents and small spaces has always meant a tiny desk next to my bed or couch. Mike hung some floating shelves for me and I now have all of the things that matter most to me right next to me. There is ancestry and lineage here. All the books written by my friends. Evil mini me and mini Lola. I can not express how delighted I am with this little office.
. In my entire apartment reclamation and my purchase of really large furniture - sectional, cat tree, disco - i had the chance to redecorate and rearrange everything and work out my Purge notes and do some fine tuning on that because holy fuck do I have stuff. So much stuff. All the stuff. But I don't anymoooooreeee.....
. Going thru all the stuff and deciding what to vignette and what to sell/give away I realized I have a lot of anatomy related items. sculpture and pottery. Hands and lips and noses and bellies and skulls. All human. I don't know what it is but I am immediately attracted to it.
. There is also snakes and jungle cats. hmmm
. and.so.many.rocks.
. I watched the Fresh Prince Reunion on Crave and I cried. I really like that they brought back the original Aunt Viv.
. I read an article about Mandy Patinkin and he said when he met his wife of 43 years she invited him to dinner at her tiny walk up in NY and she stored her sweaters in the oven and didn't realize the bacon on bacon wrapped chicken had to be cooked and he said he felt like he had lost his mind and he was totally knocked out by her. I want someone to feel that way about me and all my weird.
. I am in a group (not mine) where sometimes when someone is going thru something I give advice and suggestions (with consent) and I feel like I ramble on and on and on and I am having a tough time with that considering that the response always blows me away and I don't know where my feelings I have said too much are coming from. It's pissing me off.
. I want a papasan chair for my balcony to curl up and read in when it gets nice out and if you have ever curled up in such a chair you will get this. Now I have to google if they are still called papasan chairs cause I am thinking maybe not. eep
. in weird secondhand finds group there is a poster who is digging up her yard to do landscaping and she is sharing everything she finds like old axes and sheriffs badges and all this super cool stuff and I am obsessed.
. I love that I have friends who hold grudges with me forever at people who are fake and I know that together we will never forget their shenanigans. it pleases me to know this.