1 I was at my desk working and i heard the quietest little meow and I looked down and Lola was looking at me like this. I live alone now but not really. I needed that little reminder and that wee break to give her belly rubs.
2. This came up on my FB memories from 2016. “I have a really good feeling about this year (even though today I have some unease, planets or something) and I was telling Misty last night about it. She asked me why.
I said there is no way that 2016 will bring the ending of a decade long relationship and my mother and Nigel can't die twice so that eliminates the three things I couldn't possibly fathom surviving at the beginning of last year.
After I said it out loud I realized that I did survive those things. And I am really proud of the way I handled them. I need to acknowledge that more. I think I swam those stormy seas with as much grit, grace and humour as I possibly good.
We tend to forget to pat ourselves on the back for how we show up in this world sometimes. It wasn't always great but it was always raw and real and vulnerable and uniquely me.
I had a message from a wild one on New Years that said "you have this particular brand of self loyalty in one of the most honest ways I have ever seen." It took a minute to receive that but I am glad I did.
So here is to just being you in this new year. In case you needed the reminder. xo”
3. Last night I was reading in the bath when I heard Lola’s signature murder thump. But when I got out there was no body. And she didn’t bring me any “gifts”. I still wonder though….
4. Invited unsubs with a message to “go with love. Make this year about filling yourself up with only the things that satisfy you.” and unsubs are coming in. It got me thinking about the word “satisfy”. I am gonna dig into that for my life and see if I can define it. I am pretty sure I know what that feels like for me but it’s pinging me to look deeper. To be continued…
5. Calls for accountability that come from care go unchecked way more than they should.
6. I gave up sugar because of my meno inflammation and I live with a constant craving now. Not for sugar. For Chinese food. Explain THAT one to me.
7. “I have to assume that in the fullness of time, at least once, a mouse has used a mushroom as an umbrella. That’s enough to keep me going.” = The Cryptonaturalist GOD I LOVE HIM.
8. Farewell.
9. I feel like I need more water.
10. Some FB shenanigans today. I couldn’t let it go.