1. Had a mammogram today that i had to fight my doc to schedule. They took images. Called me back in for more images. Called me back in for an ultrasound. Said they’d call. My displeasure at having to constantly advocate for myself is unparalleled.
2. I needed sustenance so Carly and I went to our fave Vietnamese place for Pho. At 4 pm. Early bird special.We were the only ones there. Welcome to my future.
3. Sometimes being a one woman show in everything is exhausting. Especially in prep stage. Like now with That Guy moving and me reclaiming my space and getting my new tours sorted and anxiety around my current tour (platform not material. That part fucking rocks) and cleaning and laundry and groceries and meal prep and bills and i don’t have my rhythm yet in truly being alone but its already so much better than when he was here.
4. My day-timer has been here for 4 days and I am already feeling more like myself.
5. What heals you? I want to know.
6. Watched AOC’s live on what happened at the capitol and it was an hour that everyone should watch.
7. We are at the point of winter that if the sun does come out it reaches so far into my apartment it fills up Lola’s disco. I want her to sunbathe in there.
8. The hours of sleep I require these days to function is off the charts. I am getting a MINIMUM of 9 hours dead to the world sleep each night and I am so thankful cause it felt like I barely slept in January.
9.on a new supplement starting today. I’ll see how it goes.
10. Jenny Jinja is doing a wee spirit cat plushie and I really want one for all my rainbow bridge familiars.