1. Diet culture. The fact that it is so common to discuss and comment on weight is not ok. Ijeoma Oluo made a post years ago about how even commenting or liking posts on intentional weight loss played into diet culture and she made a pact to stop and invited people to stop with her and I took that on and it was one of the best things i did for my own un-programming of the life long fuckery diet culture and a mother who was INVESTED in it has lived in me and also my own integrity. It is spring so diets and fasting and the covid 40 are ALL OVER my feeds especially the wellness people and there is a disconnect there I can't get past because the very women they claim to empower are reading that shit. I am not against intentional weight loss because I think we know ourselves better than other people do so we know what we need from ourselves but the mixed messaging will fuck people up and isn't in time in this year of Lola 2021 that folks talk about something else? Every seemingly innocent comment or post has a far reaching effect and it needs to stop.
2. Body positivity. I think white women have co-opted this in a way that isn't helpful and dismisses the people who it was designed for in the first place and I also think that there is something to loving the vessels that house us. I don't love everything about my body but I also don't hate my body and that's ok. I can feel super sexy and still wish I didn't have my mothers knees. I can be in love with my aging and still miss my strong jaw. I am actually pretty grateful for this body I have but it's not all positive. It just is and that's ok.
3. The narrative around no one will love you until you love yourself. I find this very damaging. The people who love me love me when I am at my worst and they snatch me and ask questions before I do myself or anyone serious harm. And the things that people say about us to hurt us with intention are the things we take on and start to hate but I know from my own experience and how I love others that those so called hateful things are the very things I love most. We are not meant to do it alone and I will allow people to love me ESPECIALLY when i don't love myself.
4. The makeover story that leads to a marketing pitch that always begins with "this is a very vulnerable post for me". We do not need to prove how we bled for and suffered and sacrificed in order to make what we create sellable and how about you don't manipulate me with that opening statement. I believe our stories are an integral part of how we become but so much is left out of that I pulled myself up by my bootstraps discussion that makes people who do not achieve the same results wonder what they have done wrong. Maybe these people aren't making it because you left out how you are 100% financially supported by your parents or how it was sex work that kept a roof over your families head or because you are white and thin or because your husband was a fireman or because rents are sky high in your city and the same "chances" are not possible. Let's find another way to invite people to our stuff that tells the whole story and ALSO understand it's ok to say this is my life and it in complex and I contain multitudes and sometimes evolution back to ourselves and into the now is not always a 24/7 painful and debilitating deep dive but can also be more like floating peacefully on your back and occasionally treading water while you figure shit out and there can be as much laughter as there are tears and for those painful deep dive instructors are you REALLY qualified to handle deep trauma and abuse just because you changed your own life and moved out of shitty circumstances? I have weathered some serious shit and I am somewhat trauma informed but in no way am I qualified to TREAT it.
5. Internet fights. In my peri meno rage phase and the Trump era and all the police brutality and covid and ableism I got in so many fights with people who had ZERO interest in unpacking their misogyny, white privilege, white supremacist delusion (nod to Sonya Renee Taylor for that term), anti vax, covid denying, blue lives all lives not all men rhetoric and these people were TROLLS. They lived to start these arguments and I played into that way more than I should have and it for sure had an effect on me. I will speak to what changed me that I have learned and believe and unpacked myself in case it helps other people because people doing that helped me learn but I won't respond to trolls who are there to ONLY devils advocate and I will always show up and come for people when you ask me to log in and fight for you like I did with the Rachaels and if someone in community with me responds directly TO me and needs snatching like Rhian did because harm is being done and on that I have been and will be snatched myself and it's always for the greater good but random fights with trolls? Nope. Block and delete. They don't get my energy or attention.
6. Being strong and resilient when what I really need is to be soft and needy. Like with my sigourney bandages. I went to the wound care nurse and got the love and reassurance I needed. I talked to my doctor who said stop this is MAJOR surgery and it has an actual recovery time that will be longer for you based on your grapefruit sized hernia so why I am trying to write while on painkillers that make me a zombie or sit up when laying down doesn't cause the same pain or "get back to reality" when my reality is I just had major fucking surgery? This is something I am going to be exploring more but I intend to leave it behind because I encourage new born kitten softness, fragility and neediness in my loved ones and tour kittens and clients so why the fuck would i deny myself the same? I am voice recording this into my phone from my bed cloud propped up on 47 pillows and it is fucking GLORIOUS and also ok right now in this moment because not sitting at my computer is what i NEED. god this is such a tough one for me but i am gonna figure it out so please snatch me if I am doing too much too soon.
7. Ignoring red flags and being pleasing to men. For those that know me this may seem odd but dating is one of the areas where I am not sure of myself at all. I can pull acres of comedic material from the dating process and I think that alone has saved me but there is still a ton of "how a woman should be" garbage that seems to fly front and centre in this dynamic of potential romantic partnership that doesn't really show up anywhere else in my life in such a damaging and profound way and I am still learning to trust myself in that area in so many ways. Also the majority of my experience has been with cis het white men who I am sadly STILL attracted to even though I basically live on lesbian tiktok and these men are a fucking problem all the way around. Writing this I think it might be an interesting sociological experiment to go online and see how I feel because it's been about 4 years and I have changed so much in that time and maybe I know more about myself than I am allowing for. hmmmm.I know it would be even funnier cause I have my sense of humour back but how would I FEEL. I might do it.
8. Right now I need to state somewhere I have to leave behind my love of dairy and lunch meats/sausages and how upset that makes me. Apparently I have developed an allergy to them or the nitrates don't mesh with my menopause but either way both affect my breathing and inflame my joints and ankles and fingers and wrists to a really painful place but oh my god I eat like I am an at a cocktail party and it's my very fave way of being and I am LOST. I also hate denying myself ANYTHING but it literally causes me pain right now. In remembrance of melted cheese and ham on great fresh bread with fresh tomatoes and coarse salt and pepper! Yogurt with fresh berries and raisin granola! All the pizzas all the time. Spicy sausage in a rose cream sauce with fresh pasta! Brie and fig and turkey sandwiches! CHARCUTERIE! I will think of you all fondly. You will never be forgotten. And hopefully one day I will come back to you. Just remember it's not you. It's me. I love you forever.
9. Balance. No. It's a lie. Doesn't exist with my brain and my love of obsession and rabbit holes and being both a morning person which is new but also a lifetime night owl. Balance can bite me. I spent years looking for it thanks to the wellness community I was becoming a part of and letting it go was sweet glorious freedom.
10. Relevance. I am still sorting this one out and it's very complex but i wanted to place it somewhere.
Musings are a response to Isabel’s writing sanctuary Begin (again) - I highly recommend you take them when offered. x
(Day 29 of Effy’s blog along)