I am off my supplements for surgery Tuesday and I am barely functioning in this menopausal hell so I decided to do a flashback post. I looked up #wildmusings on FB and THERE WERE SO MANY I HAVE DONE. I scrolled and chose a few. I love that i have this view of my life. The good, bad and the ugly. It matters.
~ all of the "i don't do new years or new resolutions" posts sound so self righteous. I saw one with a meme of aliens mocking them and saying "I knew there was no intelligent life down there." Here is what I know for sure. 2019 was a shit show for many and we all need something to look forward to. I don't normally give a shit about Jan 1- everything is cold and dead in the ground - but last year someone told me that they were so ready to take what they could get so they will take the new year and that calendar flip. That stuck with me. Do what works. Don't shit on people who need something. - Thursday January 2, 2020
~ Working on prompts for the Reinvention Tour and one of the questions I am asking is what do you covet that isn't real? For me it's always the Acme products from The Road Runner. A portable hole in a briefcase. A paint on train tunnel. - Saturday February 13, 2020
~ I had a dream about my dad the other night and how when my mom traveled to Vancouver to see friends he would feed us grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch and BBQ steak with a side of alpha ghetti or boiled hot dogs in bread for dinner and never made us breakfast. There was not a veggie to be had when she was out of town. - Friday April 3, 2020
~ Lola has a boyfriend. His name is Bart. He is a big grey cat who lives across the hall and demands to be let out when she is out there wandering while I do laundry. He is a little afraid of her but you can tell he is in love. She flirts by showing him her floofy pantaloons and ignoring him. She also yells at him and struts by with her tail in the air. It's adorable. - Tuesday June 16, 2020
~ I watched a live on IG with @ihartericka and @thefatsextherapist a few weeks ago about body love that gave me some really interesting things to think about. I am always unpacking internalized fatphobia and diet culture as part of my own education and one of the things that Sonalee said was she didn't aspirational grocery shop. And I realized I *still* do that to some extent and my last grocery order I didn't and it felt really good. - Wednesday June 17, 2020
~ this industry is full of cons and snake oil salespeople who gaslight, bypass, manipulate and victim shame all in the name of wellness and it needs to burn to the ground. With the exception of a few who don't do that and I so grateful for. - Saturday June 27, 2020
~ there is a cat in the C H O N K Y cat group who is turning 13 today and having a cat mitzvah and is wearing a tiny yarmulke. I live for this stuff and want to be friends with her. - Thursday July 9, 2020
~ The in-between, the sublime, the beauty in the ordinary, lunar anything, pinks skies, love letters, style, reinvention, reclamation, reckoning, bewitching, enchanted, rage, pleasure, delight, secret messages, indulgence, devotion, worship, sin, confession, absolution, vignette, serendipity, feline, stealth, space, ease, simple, bass, lyrical, magical, seasonal, ritual, lustre, lush, social, private, secret, witnessed, invitation, collaboration, fuck, engaging, wild, want, covet, obsession, orgasmic, believe, natural, intention, real, honest, true, bold, waves, wings, wolf, talismanic, excitement, anticipation, relief, sensory, vital, after, back story, reflection, room for, jasmine, patchouli, lavender, essence, nurturing, holy, iconic, rapture, capacity, imagination, hilarity, lovely, flamingo, feather, wing, witch, power, amazing, challenge, alone, cafe, constellation, ceremony, altar, seven, revolutionary, rock n roll, lemon, sweet and lowdown, claim, muse, divine, rattan, meaning, kitten, midnight, clean, demand, legit, loyalty, flirt, pomegranate, elixir, coven, esoteric, connection, sanctuary, chapel. These are the words that are me, that I will always stop for, that I love. And this is just the beginning. - Monday December 14, 2019
~ Memes are self care for me. They make me laugh so when I need a laugh I scroll IG and read memes. Dad pages are the same. So heteronormative and so old school but I love old school dad jokes and dads that didn't want the pet in the first place and dads that dress like dads because MY dad was an old school dad and I miss him so they bring me a kind of delight and peace that I need sometimes. Friday November 6, 2019
~ I saw a squirrel and a crow sitting beside each other on a fence. I wish my phone hadn't died. I wonder what they were talking about. - Saturday October 31, 2019
(Day 16 of Effy Wild’s blog along)
Come and be BEWITCHED this summer.