~ I had a succulent in this planter from Dirt Spindle that, strangely, looks like me and of course it died so I had to replace it and then I added some vintage earrings to it because I am hoping the crystals catch the light.
~ I am all about catching the light these days.
~ I got vaccinated this morning. My amazing boss texted yesterday and said PHS is getting vaccinated and she would try to get me on the list cause I technically am an employee even though I am on temp leave so my lovely client agreed to reschedule and i was dressed and ready to fly down there at a moments notice and I got the ok about 10 and was there in an around the block line up by 1030. It went fast and i was home by 12:15. Not gonna lie, i got teary.
~ I actually get a little lump every time I see one of my friends post or tell me they got vaccinated or got an appt because its been a year and we lost so many and the grief is real and this might change some things and hopefully the realization that so much could change for abled people because of this stays in place for disabled.
~ I know it is officially spring because I saw a dog in a Hawaiian shirt on the Drive the other day.
~ My new jasmine and vetiver candle smells delicious and it feels like a luxury hotel in here.
~ The Rocky the raccoon story was widely received and that made me happy because for a long time I felt like I had lost my sense of humour because I used to be really funny and I can feel it coming back. In the last 3 months i can feel a lot of me coming back. I like it.
~ Still noodling on making the Auntie Collection a subscription thing because I know I have a knack for finding amazing things and maybe every quarter one of the things sent is a box to store secret messages but a box picked out that is channeled for you. I love boxes and I love secret messages.
~ If this impending shut down pushed Sigourney back I will go fucking ballistic.
~ Next week those bears are going out. I finally have the shipping stuff and the bandwidth.
(day 8 of Effy Wild’s blog along)
PS - BEWITCHED is open for registration. Come practice practical magic + real life enchantment for 3 months this summer.