. Remember when your album had a scratch on it and the needle would get stuck and repeat the same thing over and over and over until you had to get up and manually move the needle. I feel like my needle is stuck on the same groove. The secret is that I need to play a different album that is smooth grooves from beginning to end.
. The moon was perfection tonight. Low in the sky and eye level with my third floor balcony. the tiniest sliver glowing gold with blurred edges. Mama moon knows all my secrets in all her forms. Tonight I watched her sister sun set again in the stunning reds and pinks of this season but mama called me out into the cold before bed to remind me I got this. Difficult conversations are difficult but go with the love that is there and not the resentment. The secret is I will be ok and so will he, because of love.
. I follow a professor of anthropology on IG (@amandastranza) and, among other things, she does death tributes to wildlife. Road kill etc. She gathers them and lays them with flowers and speaks words of prayer and honour over them and it is the most real and poetic thing. To honour a being that the world trampled over. Literally and metaphorically. I shared her latest and said that her animal memories - because that is what they are at the core, memories - are so touching to me and she messaged me and said thank you. I almost died I had such a fan girl moment so I responded and said "oh fan girling hard! I love your words so much. Thank you" and she wrote back and we had a wee chat and the secret is that connection is built from not caring how cool I am but from being awkward and real in my admiration for someone who has words that fill the cracks in my heart.
. As I scroll and scroll for my soon to be sectional, bench, rattan bookshelf and possible new desk now that I am home more than at the store I was thinking more and more about the detailed descriptions people put describing their furniture for sale and its because they are not trying to sell it as perfect when it's not. As someone who anthropomorphizes everything I love the people that are doing that with furniture. I love a good back story too. "I bought this second hand and I loved it for years and now I am moving across country and I am devastated I can't take it with me because it was the most perfect piece for under my tv but there is a little nick on the corner and one of the legs is wobbly and I don't know how to fix the water mark on the top but the price reflects all this and you won't regret having this cabinet in your life. It was one of the best things I ever owned and I love it and you will love it too." I am obsessed with these stories and want to do a series on them. The inanimate objects that make up a life and a home. That are such an important part of our foundation. That we assign personality to in the piece itself and in the damages. Like cat scratches and water marks and weird nicks. I always suspect that the ones who sell like this vs the ones who say "Cabinet, must pick up. Moving." are ones where home has always been a tenuous and maybe not so safe place and that piece of furniture - thrifted, given, found - was a piece of the puzzle that made up a home. That there is memory attached to it and they want that honoured and have unconsciously given it life and personality in their sales copy but don't want to mislead anyone with lies about perfection. The secret is that it our so called flaws that make us unique and desirable and connect us to each other. In my world anyway.
. I saw a pin that said "be your own muse" and I am wondering what that looks like. As someone that channels muses so much that they have categories - like O.G. Wild Muses like Stevie Nicks and my mother to style muses to writer muses to to to - what would being my own muse look like? That secret is yet to be revealed.
. I saw another pin that said "the secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine." I have always turned routine into ritual because I find it way more enchanting and seeing that made me realize that I am not devoted to my daily rituals right now and in that I am disappearing. So slowly it's almost not noticeable so more secrets to unravel in there.
. Carly and I were talking the other night and she said "people are so boring as adults." I said "what do you mean?" She said "no one asks me what my favourite dinosaur is anymore, they ask me what I do for a living." and she was so sincere in that statement I almost cried. It got me wondering why are the questions we ask each other so different as adults? Do we ONLY become our work or our status or our family? Is it all titles? Mother, Boss, Wife etc. I know what her fave dinosaur is and she knows how long I have been in love with Han Solo but I wonder why the conversation changes so dramatically as we age. More secret messages to ponder and unravel in this one as well.
. Last night's Game of Thrones was the Red Wedding episode and I remember that being one of the most impactful scenes in the entire series. That one, the Battle of the Bastards, and fighting the white walkers on the island when the dragon gets killed. I almost needed oxygen for all of them. Seeing it again for the second time it still had such a huge impact even though I knew what happened and knew that scene was coming and that is the secret really. That even though I know things are coming they can still have a huge impact and I can stop breathing for a moment in anticipation of outcome.
. "Every storm runs out of rain" ~ Maya Angelou. I had this on a sticky note on my computer but it must have fallen at some point because I swept under the couch and it came out along with enough cat hair to clone Lola. Storms - can cause minimal damage, can soak me to my core, can hide the sun and the light, can make soothing noises on my roof, can put out fires, can make things grow, and can destroy everything in it's path. But eventually it will run out of rain. The secret is I am a storm.
Today’s wild musings are from Isabel’s Listen to your life writing sanctuary.