. Obsessed with finding an electric fireplace but I want the fire in the middle not at floor level with dead space above it and that is the most virgo thing ever but I am scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.
. I am obsessed with vintage letter openers because they are so romantic and old school because using them means there was news and you hoped it was good and someone was thinking of you enough that they decided to write and they are also a weapon and I love ordinary things that are not obvious weapons and I am bidding on a snake one online.
. Obsessed with my plants because as I keep them alive they kept me alive and I didn’t want real kids and plant parenthood is working just fine and they add so much life but don’t overshadow my love language of space.
. Obsessed with the attic suite across the lane. Still. Any attic suite actually because that is where the eccentric witch adjacent aunts lived and where novels are written and something about the intimacy of them really speaks to me.
. Obsessed with the sunsets these past few days. It’s been kinda cloudy but not raining so the sky burns pink and orange through the white fluffy clouds and it is prayer because pink sky is my religion and that was the sunset outside my moms window when she died October 19 5 years ago and I think maybe she is keeping the rain away so I can enjoy them myself as I plot how my life alone will look after I tell him.
. Obsessed with senior cats waiting for homes at the shelters I follow online and I refresh and refresh and make actual notes in my daytimer to check back on them for a status update and I cry when they are adopted finally and I cry when they haven’t been and I can’t stop myself because I have to know.
. Obsessed with finding the perfect bowls for my after he leaves redecoration because I am obsessed with independent bowls and feel like I can’t handle sharp edges on anything right now. Wood and ceramic for fruit on the counter and one for onions and garlic and ones for my bathroom shelf to hold all my makeup and one for my matchbook collection and one for rocks and crystals.
. Obsessed with Rachel Syme on twitter cause she is running a quarantine penpalooza which I might join and asks the most interesting random questions like what is the most lesser known print magazine you get delivered cause I want new glossy paper in my mailbox and she is just so real and Mandy Patinkin is her dad and I want to be her friend.
. Obsessed with eyeshadow pallets and 70’s platforms and finding the perfect sectional and AD and Apartment Therapy small home and celebrity home tours and seeing if I can make enough to save something while still not being a capitalist spiritual white woman and looking at rentals in Mexico and purging everything down to the very best most rare covets and living small and simply with ease and game of thrones again and the cinematography and set design and wardrobe of Ratched and vintage rosaries because I want to know whose hands felt into those beads and Tony Baker animal voice overs and unlikely animal friendship and always and forever Stevie Nicks.
. list from Listen to your Life Obsessions prompt from Isabel Abbott.