1 .Pink sky is my religion and mother nature DELIVERED last night for the first sunset of 2021. I was the one recording this time and i am glad I did because today it is monsoon raining and there is no light at all let alone a pink sky. So now I have this to remember until the clouds move.
2. Reporting the moving shenanigans to the East Van Witches cause I need to say it or I will choke.
3. Spend some time on Pinterest yesterday and I realized I have not been on there in forever. Went through my wildness board cause that is all me. Stardust and rock n roll and in there I am reminded of who I REALLY am. Going to make it part of my ritual again. Thought about digging into why I stopped pinning but really, I don’t fucking care why. This need to FIND OUT THE WHY that the wellness industry perpetuates is not doing us a lot of good. I tell the Bush Kittens all the time that sometimes going back to the root is necessary and sometimes it’s better to just say oh ok, we are here. acknowledge the realization and move on from THAT point. Caught myself in time and spent a few lovely moments reconnecting with my board images and pinning some new ones.
4. I watched a Melissa McCarthy movie called Tammy last night and she plays this angry confrontational woman and I get it but one of the characters quirks was every time she stomps off she knocks something down or off a counter. Like a bored cat. Makes eye contact and just flips it on the floor. I loved that character detail so much.
5. Someone in my local buy nothing group was bored and missing her family so she made her grandmothers pierogi recipe to cheer herself up and she said while making it she was thinking wow this is a lot of flour and a lot of this and that but didn’t connect it all until she read the second recipe card that is was a recipe to make 20 DOZEN pierogis so she was posting to gift a whole bunch and it made me laugh and I loved it. People came and got it them posted their pierogi dinner’s with a thank you.
6. I need to get graveyard dirt of a tombstone but it won’t stop raining. The EaVa witches are down for this adventure.
7. After the movie I read in the tub with lavender bubbles for an hour. Slathered my entire body with Karma body butter. Put a deep serum on my face. Checked the doors. Scooped Lola and went to bed in clean sheets. This is a MOOD I want to feel every day for the rest of my life.
8. I gotta say that even though the move is not done and I still am sorting the feelings waking up BY MYSELF in my home this morning with Lola’s little face beside me was FUCKING GLORIOUS. So was sleeping naked again.
9. The response to my musings love letter last night made me feel really really good. I was not expecting it but it felt amazing.
10. “70 BILLION dollars a year is spent on diet and weight loss products, which means there’s a price tag on shame. Even if you’re just stepping out to your five dollar blow up pool to sit and cry about murder bees, I hope you enjoy the water this summer.” ~ Kate Baer. @katejbaer — sometimes when I find someone who has words that fill the cracks in my soul I go to their page and do a fast flip to posts I might have missed that go way back and today this one came up. Adding her book to my wishlist.