. Elizabeth has been reporting on her drunken fly and I remember the largest bumble bee I have ever seen that used to visit me last year. It was so big it sounded like a helicopter was landing in my living room and she would fly around drunkenly until she found the door and would fly off in a little twerky huff back to whatever bee business was calling her. I remember when that guy found a bumble bee on the balcony and gently fed it sugar water until it was able to fly again and I watched it all from the doorway and remembered why I spent over a decade with him. He cares about creatures but his hangovers get in the way of caring for me the same way consistently. Now bees remind me of him.
. this heat wave is something. I was talking to Effy today and told her it is so still and quiet outside and she said it’s the kind of heat that shimmers. It does. It shimmers and glitters and everyone is so quiet and I get why tropical countries have siestas and rest in the afternoon. its a beautiful way to be.
. i wish i had the energy and money to create a beautiful garden out on my balcony this spring. next year if if i am still here.
. soft premiere of fbt - there is actually a snippet on the site about how ferns grow unihibited in the wild and we are ferns
. added a shop to my site today.
. "august of another summer, and once again I am drinking the sun, and the lilies again are spread across the water." Mary Oliver
. I put the dishes away last night and I wished I had teak or rough wood hand made open shelves in my kitchen because all of my dishes and mugs and glasses are vintage and interesting and I love that look of open shelves and noodles and spices and nuts in mason jars and small plants and interesting salt and pepper shakers and a random ceramic animal that shouldn't be in the kitchen but just works tucked in between the dishes and a vase of wildflowers and a cute vintage cream and sugar set and lots of pottery and green and white subway tile backsplash (don't care if that look is "over") or tiny blue ceramic tiles and a white rug in front of the sink cause who cares if it gets dirty I can wash it and stainless steel appliances and my shark lamp on the fridge and african violets in clay pots on the counter and a giant vintage wood bowl of fruit and that is how i would have renovated my condo kitchen and not the stark white with grey wood floors that i saw in the photos. that reno had no life in it and it makes me sad.
. I feel myself coming back
. peacocks in jewelry and disco fonts