. i am so visual and what anchors these courses I create is madly important to me. the imagery is a vibe and its the details and lives in my bones and soul in a way that connects me to the words. there is a method to my madness that I might try to explain one day lol. the ones with my matriarchs in caftans have been amazing for the shorter courses like Faster Pussycat and Reinvention Tour but this one…its almost a year long so there are so many parts to it. Now to get that symbolism into images that can hold it all.
. and having said that I immediately think i might be over complicating it. ease. simplicity. space. hmmm
. showing Carly peacock photos last night talking about the tour and she runs off all these interesting peacock facts one of which is they scream. you know I love that. I said to her “how do you know so much about peacocks?”. Did she do a book report in middle school? This kind of interaction remains one of my very faves with people I love. You think you know them so well they feel like they are part of your soul and you have the same blood in your veins and they come out with stuff you never even knew they knew. i can’t get enough of it.
. she made me pick fonts. SO MANY CHOICES. My poor Virgo brain.
. the mumbling is getting annoying
. that one stubborn chin hair
. thinking of selling that rattan dresser cause the market is hot.
. had a conversation about some goings on and i realized it takes guts to leave a situation that is working because of the promise and hope of something else. it will be ok always
. solivagant definition: (adj) wandering along