. I wrote a love letter about why I have plants sometime last year and today in Effy’s ten she wrote this which is pure gold “The thing about planting seeds is that it is such an enormous act of faith. You put these little things that look like nothing in pots of dirt and you water and wait and water and wait and maybe something happens and maybe nothing happens. “
. Chatting with my boo about my afternoon at the DMV yesterday and why I was so spent after and it’s because I haven’t been around that many people in MONTHS. I glide around the grocery store like a ninja but to sit there with all these other masked people was so brutal and weird and foreign. What was supposed to be a half hour appt - a scheduled one - turned much longer cause their system kept going down. I was in my social hisstancing mask thank god. So anyone that came into my space knew to step away. I need to ask Kat where she got her retractable poking stick cause one guy got too close and I wanted to take him out at the kneecaps
. details after details after details
. so glad I had massage therapy today
. Just a note: Your belly fur was where it fell apart. His belly fur is where I grieved. Then her belly fur healed your loss and my heart. And now her belly fur is where i am finding myself. Thank you familiars for holding my everything.
. elysian definition: (adj.) beautiful and creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect
. coveting a longer summer, heightened senses like a werewolf, a facial, a pedicure, new sectional, a 20 year old orange diabetic cat, my dentist to reopen, new fluffy white towels, and a man to spoon me.
. why is my hair so dry still?
. almost there. Tomorrow I think.