. I was logging into the stores website to check an item I saw in stories and I am tired and logged into something else community related by accident and now I am excited about a new way to connect.
. one of the things FBT will do is remove shame and handhold people as they do the things they need to do and that they are embarrassed by. I had my brother hold my hand to fix up all my drivers license stuff and it had caused me so much anxiety until I faced it and said out loud why I didn’t have a valid license and started making the steps to it. So now I have my learners back cause I made the appt and it was today and I passed the test and I have my road test scheduled for Dec 31 which was amazing cause when we first logged in they were booking third week of Feb after being covid closed and then like magic Dec 31 popped up and we snagged it. Its a good feeling to tackle that. The rest of my dental work is next. Also delayed cause of covid and I was on SUCH a roll in Jan and Feb with that. No judgment no shame no denying
. just added more expenses to my monthly business expenses with mail chimp upgrade and moon clerk but I am at the point where I need some automation.
. I was thinking about this dude I matched with on Tinder who was in town for a convention and he took me on a date and I brought Carly and we had so much fun but I distinctly remember him telling me - in front of Carly - “that you are not afraid of confrontational conversation because it shows you have expectations and boundaries and that smile of yours and how you speak and hold yourself shows who you are and that is so fucking sexy” and I feel that part of my coming back again and fuck did I miss her.
. practical magic for living wild
. why isn’t Wyatt Earp with Val Kilmer on one of my streaming services? I have a need to “i’m your huckleberry.”
. 2020 has been full of fuckery. I can’t wait to gather.
. fuck that chick and her ignorant menopausal emails.
. fuck I am tired.