. I think I need a Patrick Swayze film festival. Ghost. Dirty Dancing. Point Break. Outsiders.
. I am going to make myself a birthday wish list of all the things I covet in one place because I am worthy of what i want. Plus people keep asking what I want lol
. Jacquelyn asked me how I was feeling and told me she thinks about me and my past mysterious health problems and that meant so much. The isolation of covid and beings single and having no parents always makes me feel lonely so when she said that I felt love. I can’t wait to go back on tour so we can all love up on each other.
. I know I am in my zone here because everywhere I look there are messages about community care vs self care and that is one of the MAIN things about FBT. The community care aspect. I fucking love with when the universe keeps throwing these little affirmations my way like it’s saying you got this. This is right.
. checked out V.V. today - it was practically empty so I felt safe - and I miss thrifting so much. The hunt for vintage and also to see what speaks to me and who it reminds me of so I can send people things. I sent out something last week and she got it Friday and messaged me and said it arrived at just the right time. I can’t wait to do more of that. Snail mail surprises are a love language
. the sexual tension between…and the for me it’s the … threads on twitter are hilarious. I love it so.
. sales pages are my krptonite
. this page and all the pre work I am doing for the Full Bush Tour got me thinking the first course I ever did 7 or 8 years ago. I don’t even remember how long. The Unprogram. We thought it was such a clever name because that is what it was. Un-programming all the stuff society and culture and religion and school and your family told women they should be. The branding was nothing like anything we had seen before and neither was the language. We could not believe in a surreal wtf sort of way that someone bought something we created. Something that came from our chutzpah, from disgust of an industry I was a BABY in, from collaboration with my yaya and us being ballsy enough to say lets write this and sell it in a time before online courses were the huge thing they are now. I am intensely proud of that moment and cried when the first paypal notification came up. It's still a thrill when people buy my words and crazy ideas but that first one will live in me forever.
. “I’ve met myself and it’s a lot." - Carolyn Fine -hahaha this. It’s a lot but in no way am I too much.
.* cover photo by @sammijefcoate - I worship her style / unprogram image by Pink Kloud Creative