. Effy and i have been doing these for a minute now and have been popping over to each others sites and commenting every day. do you remember when you read something from someone you liked and you actually commented on their blog? that’s a throwback to the early days and I am loving it. I want more of it.
. scar tissue
. I don’t want to be with someone who is grumpy all the fucking time. I used to have a friend who had a grumpy husband and I wondered how exhausting that was. I watched Hope Springs on Netflix and he was grumpy and I wanted Meryl to leave him.
. love when these pop up n memories cause this came up today - going through my notebook of secret messages and i found notes on a story i read about the worlds loneliest frog who has been in a frog conservatory for ten years cause the species is about to go extinct but they just found 5 more in a cloud bog and have brought them to the conservatory and this frog named Romeo is getting a girlfriend and it made me really love this world we live in sometimes and I hope they boogie down and have babies so the species can continue. my hilarious friend suggested Barry White and a nice chardonnay to get things going and I fucking love the people I know so much.
. i want to hang upside down like a bat and stretch until I go back to my 5'7" cause i feel like I am shrinking.
. the Svaha. that moment between the time you hear the thunder til you see the lightning.
. my friend lives in the jungle in Mexico and is in the path of the hurricane and she posted yesterday “The wild life is SILENT If that’s not a hint. Something is coming” and it gave me chills. How animals and nature know. Then I watched the first episode of Connected and this guy tracked the migration of these birds from Delaware to Brazil every year but the weird part was they would change when they went south. so he dug in to find out what that could be and they did it to avoid hurricanes. for 20 years he tracked their migration and then compared it to the hurricanes and then compared that to the scientists and meteorologist predictions and the birds KNEW. every single time. They got out of the way long before there was any evidence of a hurricane. they knew and left on that schedule of knowing. the secret messages in this are blowing me away. how about trusting our own knowing is one. more to come.
. "it was in my flaws I found a much deeper truth - and it is from them. I bloom: a black rose." ~ Segovia Amil - stumbled on this in FBT notes and isn’t this the truth. what I hate others love and who told me to hate these parts anyway and why did I listen? again, more secret messages
. a mild case of something the last two days. I think there was curry in something cause I felt poisoned. Headache and cramping. ugh finally feeling like myself.