. Elizabeth said “conga rats” today and I am officially adopting that phrase. With credit of course.
. “do you have a skeleton key make of human bone that opens the door to a land of magical animals?” Came across this quote in my FBT notes from Suzanne in Orange Is the New Black and I really needed to be reminded that things exist just because we have an imagination.
. Carmen NAILED my vision for the FBT graphics. She really understands the chaos of my mind.
. the smell of mornings. its colder in the mornings now and was raining today. I hope that’s not the last of our heat wave. We didn’t get enough of a summer. too cold for mid august in my opinion. i give Lola her medicine and she gives me a dirty look and then forgets about it and screams at me to open the patio door so she can survey her queendom. i step outside in my furry grandma slippers and look to my right at the skyline of my city and the left as the sun is coming up I take a deep breath and it always smells clean. Like fresh laundry dried on the line. It's a beginning and I'll take it.
. reclamation reinvention rebirth reckoning revolution release recovery redemption reformation recreation
. fall we reclaim and set up foundations, winter we hibernate in devotion and see what needs to be born, spring we let it out and really bloom and summer we bring sexy back
. I fell off my gallon a day for a bit and now I am back on and all I do is pee
. I haven’t played with my makeup in a while. I should now that I am blond. See what I can do differently. Should do my clothes too.
. everything hurts from my massage therapy appt.