. exhausting day of advocating for my health again and still.
. I was being gaslighted by my medical office and when a nurse said “I can’t speak to that because I wasn’t part of the conversation” I said “ I CAN speak to that because I WAS in the conversation so stop gaslighting me.” Then she had the doc call me directly and he said we have never discussed that and then a minute later he references it from another convo so I stopped him and said “do you hear yourself? You are telling me we never discussed this when we have MULTIPLE times, one of which YOU JUST FUCKING MENTIONED. So how can you speak to me and claim that i am making this up when you just said it.
. I have an exceptional memory on these thiings so don’t fucking play me.
. I have also lived in this body for 53 years and I know what I know so don’t fucking play me.
. It is fucking exhausted and I cried all afternoon from the rage.
. sometimes I hate that I cry when I am angry because it diminishes my message.
. I was really missing having someone special to call to tell me it was ok. No mom and no love.
. he needs to move so I can prepare for that.
. got both ultrasounds done last night anyway so we'll see.
. this ate up my entire fucking day and the only other thing I noticed was corw o’clock from the waiting room of the ultrasound place and i forgot about crow o’clock at sunset every night in the fall and it was a secret message from the universe. I didn’t even try to capture it in a photo because some things are not meant to be.