. I was proactive and ordered a mini air conditioner and new flip flops WEEKS ago. Neither have arrived. However, my instant pot came yesterday so maybe I'll make a nice pot of warm soup. *eyeroll*
. Lola is on the tile in the bathroom and I have cold wet mats down in there to cool her down and keep the tile cool. She is not a happy girl. There was a wee panting incident yesterday but we wiped her down with a cold cloth and she started to breath normal again.
. I guess this is training for when I go to hell.
. I desperately need a haircut. So much I might cut it myself
. I hate drunk energy. I saw someone on the weekend who was drunk and it was so fucking annoying to me.
. I am so glad I cleared out this apartment. Best thing I ever did was let go. The space and ease of being here is so worth it.
. All I have done all weekend is lay on my couch under a fan with a wet cloth on me so I don't have much to report lol.