~ One of my fave things is random stuff encased in acrylic. I pin it and I save them on Etsy and if I could I would have a wee cabinet of random stuff encased in acrylic. Mostly vintage ones cause that is my jam but I must really like it because my FYP in TikTok sends me process creation vids of people making acrylic earrings and paperweights and keychains and I am fascinated every time. I found this vintage dandelion for 50 cents at my annual neighbourhood wide yard sales a few years ago and it sits on my desk to remind me that things change and we are not weeds and is one of my sources of practical magic. It is one of my most treasured items and I want to know how they did it. How did they get that dandelion in there without damaging it? It’s like the Caramilk secret. I will never know I guess.
~ Wolf pups are born blind and deaf. That random fact just popped into my brain for NO reason so I googled it lol.
~ That Guy and I used to talk about Lola as people who live with pets of personality do. I guess it’s an animal love thing but I miss having someone to talk about all her little moods and meows and shenanigans with so I have been reporting them all to Carly who very lovingly has NOT told me to stop talking about my cat.
~ I opened the window wider in my bedroom yesterday and there were two dead flies on the windowsill and I immediately thought of the Amityville Horror. Did you see that movie? It freaked me out so much I will never forget it.
~ According to my doctor I am supposed to limit my bending/twisting and do no lifting for a month because the hernia was the size of a grapefruit so the incision was huge and there are 3 sets of stitches in my belly and the place where it was it all filled up with fluid which my body will eventually absorb but can cause pressure on the incisions. It is virtually impossible to not bend or lift when you live alone. Carly has been coming by each morning to get Lola her pills and at night I have been stalking my floof til she is asleep and then grabbing her and giving her the pills (she HATES it) but how do you carry groceries up or bend down to change the garbage or empty the dustpan or clean the bathtub or put groceries into the crisper drawer or empty or load the dishwasher or put on shoes or get into a car? I mean I am complying as much as Ican only because I do NOT want to go through this again but it’s not easy. hmph.
~ Loved this question from Anthony Bourdain - “If your phone rang at 11 p.m., would you want it to be that person on the other end?” because I have been randomly thinking about all the friendships that have ended this year, last year, the past 5 years and 10 years and also who I will ALWAYS pick up the phone for. I saw one of the ended ones comment on a friends status the other day and my first thought was “oh there she is making it all about her” . The comment was in regards to thanking nurses during covid and she is a nurse but she is not a hospital nurse and has not been front line for a VERY long time so the status wasn’t ABOUT her and this was constant. She was like that Kristen Wiig character from SNL who always one upped everyone. I don’t miss it. One of them i realized I did miss so I reached out but have no response which is ok. It was a super complicated ending and it was layered and maybe one day we will be friends again and maybe not but for all of them I wish them well.
~ Another one sent me a friend request which I accepted then realized she had me on a filter that showed nothing so why request me? I asked her about and she said she didn’t realize she sent it and it was a mistake. Ummm so you were on m wall and accidentally hit add friend? She unfriended me and removed the option to ever friend again which I thought was funny.
~ Adult friendships CAN be so complicated. Even more so for someone like me because my friends are the greatest loves of my life. The one true romantic love I had killed himself and the other one I was always waiting for him to live up to his potential and I doubt I will ever find that again but my friends…it’s them that hold my heart forever so endings are brutal even when they are necessary.
~ I am never living into a man’s potential again.
~ Patience has never been my virtue.