. Immediate panic on the ig Fuckery this morning. I wish I was calmer. I had plan b to a mapped out before I even figured out the problem. This is both a curse and a superpower.
. Got some new plant babies and sat in the sun for a bit and replanted them and the sun felt so good after last week of monsoon rain. I live in a rainforest and I am never ever ready for the weather change.
. I need to go back to my anti inflammatory eating which is meno related but I hate that I have to “regulate” my food. The inflammation will kill me if I don’t so I will but I don’t like it. Hmph
. Sublime
58 - 9.27
. I have been watching American horror story first season, murder house and Dylan McDermott is in it. He is in his early 50’s in this and I want to climb him like a fucking tree.