. he isn’t around much. jams all the time. which leaves everything up to me to manage. all the cleaning, most of the bills. i think its time to make some changes.
. lola would miss him but she already is and on his nights off he can come see us but it would be without the massive resentment i currently have for him and his “nights off.”
. watching the first American Horror Story about the murder house and it’s freaking me out.
. this place has a weird vibe. been 3 years in nov and it has never felt like home. no matter what I do. called Cat today to say get me on a list for top floor sunny whatever comes up. studio is fine. putting it out there is a start
. also thinking about renters insurance cause i keep dreaming of fire.
. “if you are not paying for the product, you are the product.” The Social Dilemma
. The Bush Kittens are still checking in and I already notice that they are mastering the IG page that is theirs. It’s a learning curve for sure but the energy is different and that is what I wanted.
. have an appt with the doc on wed. he responded to my email. so hopefully he has the action plan i asked for and I can get my life back.
. stress eating