. Watching The Crazy One which is a British show and it’s so funny. “My mom is not in a good place. She started using the word dude. That’s a real mental health red flag in the over 50’s isn’t it?” - I DIED laughing.
. I think FB is hiding everything I say about The Full Bush Tour because the engagement on those posts is almost nothing. Or no one is interested which I don’t really think is true by the amount of requests I have had for a longer tour.
. todays test was very unpleasant but over thank god. now I just have to come down from the sedative. why does my body always need more than a normal person? Because getting over it that takes twice as long and I can barely keep my eyes open. The doc said they had to up the IV twice cause I kept waking up. I told him I needed more than the average bear but they never listen.
. he also said after when he came to talk to me “I notice you have a very severe hernia. have you had that looked at?” literally it’s so bad it’s noticeably sticking out of my belly. ugh I said yes I have but Covid…so if you know anyone that wants to throw me in and fix it please give them my number.
. he informs me he will have nothing to put toward her yearly visit even though it’s been booked since July and I saved.
. deciding what to buy myself for my birthday and remembering cat mothers day and how i said I am pissed you did nothing and as an afterthought at 11pm there was suddenly a frozen cheesecake to “celebrate” but it had freezer burn that made it awful and how that minimal effort was expected to be celebrated and wowed and appreciated and I wanted to throw it over the balcony. he would have been better off to continue with the nothing he had already done.
. "I wrote my first novel because I wanted to read it.” ~ Toni Morrison
. again with mama moon. eye level to my bed and so close I can touch it. this time of year she really looks in closely on me.
. all the blond hair products I will ever need. I wish I had the energy to wash my hair tonight .