. no letter in a minute and a bunch of unsubs. ok. so those are people who don’t care why a pomegranate, a disco ball and the moon rolled into a bar…
. I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow so I am on a liquid diet all day and its a full moon and I could eat the hind end of a moving wildebeast and why did I book this on a full moon? also, this is 50+
. “full throated demands” ~ Effy
. I slept all afternoon so I wouldn’t sit here hungry.
. lots of talk on the feed about rage and pride today. can’t wait for seven sins again
. my birthday month begins. i have a covet list.
. watching extreme race and I am fascinated
. "Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again." ~ Lalah Delia
. very moody but i am sure its hunger and the moon.