. I think my extreme side eye is partly due to Dorothy and watching every episode with my mom and aunt in my formative years.
. Blanche is a master class at shrugging off slut shaming and owning your lust.
. Sophia definitely has mob connections.
. There are way too many weight references but it was the 80’s and that was the thing. The fat-phobia was massive and carried into our lives in so many ways.
. The friendship is so real. The fights and the feelings. Women without men building lives together. issues with kids and grandkids and work and family and parents and dating. I am here for it.
. Blanches nightwear and at home wear is fabulous. All silk, kimono sleeves, strappy slips. I would wear all of it. Dorothy, Rose, and Sophia in their buttoned to the neck flannels is so not me.
. how they all aged so differently and how their clothes were so much of their characters. and all the fabulus clutch bags.
. I want to write the 2020 version of 50 something women. Who may have long hair, and wear jeans. Who date women and may not have she.her pronouns. But who live together because it’s us who are left to pick up the pieces with chronic illness and unstable income and no retirement plan. This might become something. It’s very Linda and Paula.