. In Japanese culture, cherry blossoms represent the fragility and beauty of life and they always remind me of my S.O. who I saw today for the first time in 7 years and we picked up right where we left off. it felt like I just saw her yesterday.
. every time i catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I am startled by the blond.
. “life finds a way.” - Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park.
. bought Jenny Jinya’s comic book “Loving Reaper” and it arrived today I adore it. It includes the stories Black Cats and Good Boy and makes me cry but her messages are so important to challenge these stereotypes.
. do you gain more followers if you post nudes? while i was curating my insta feed to show aging women I was looking at all these 30 something women I followed and was dying to work with at this time last year and receive their patreon rewards and sign up with and then had muted at some point because of whatever reason. (how things change! never ceases to surprise me) but I noticed that there is something about posting nudes that gains social capital and followers. that if you don't fit the european standard of beauty - in body only - and dare to post a pic of you getting out of the bath that your likes will increase tenfold and the comment thread will be huge but only if you are white and I am baffled by my feelings around this. Is it brave? It is edgy? none of them got deleted. it's just comment after comment and their courses fill up and books get sold and I don't do nudes. not even to guys I am fucking. and it’s not cause I am uncomfortable nude or hate my body its because there are some things that I want to save for me and I don’t know if that makes sense or not. so will I remain small in the wide ocean of women who do this work ? I talk about diet culture and fatphobia and how it fucks us up. is that landing without visuals? I haven't quite got a grasp on what I am feeling but there is something there - besides the white women celebrated vs black women deleted.
. seasons
. monsoon rained allllll day.
. its natural that Plant Parenthood will go with The Full Bush Tour. obvs
. searching for the perfect imagery. i love this part.